This year we decided to scale down the birthday celebrations. In the past, I kid you not, Ella has had up to 5 birthday parties. There would be one at school, one with friends, one on the actual day, one with each set of grandparents. It was really a bit ridiculous.
This year, we only had 3. One little one with cupcakes at school, a big friend party and then a small cake on her actual birthday. The scale down went to an even greater level this year, too. The friend party was so different from the past. I often wonder how children's birthdays have become to be such huge occassions. Do you not remember when a party consisted of cake, ice cream and some running around in the back yard? There were no bounce houses, fashion-diva parties or grand catered events. It was so simple. And parents did not go broke every birthday. It really has gone to far.
Well, in an effort to start a new trend, my friend Amanda and I decided to go bare bones on Ella and Gracen's joint 6th birthday party. We strategically chose 1-3 pm because we would not have to provide a meal. We only served cupcakes (which we made ourselves), ice cream and watermelon (fresh from her garden). Our only splurge was cookies from Sweet Sensations that were given as party favors.
Please understand this is not a knock on those that have big parties at Pump It Up or Sweet and Sassy.
We love going to those and hope to continue being invited. It's just that I was trying to go a little easy on the bank account this year. I think the party was a huge success because the kids had a blast. And isn't that what it's all about?
From Left to Right. Very back row: Jonah Hensley, Carter Bondurant, John Owen Hensley and Lucy Krull. Mary Clarie Hensley in strollerSitting on pool ledge: Anna Godwin, Ivy Carson, Jessie True, Abby Carlisle, Ella Krull, MaRY Gracen Williams, Christopher Godwin, Bo Dawson, Lilly Sullivan, Grace Sullivan and Shelby Bondurant.In the water: Abby Powell, Presley Braun, Lillian Gardiner, Jackson Stegall, Hyatt Williams, Andi Dunavant, Hayden Stegall, Lane Dawson and Addie Glass.
This year's theme was Littlest Pet Shop. When Ella opened her presents they were all things LPS!

The birthday girls.

Lucy and her ice cream face.

My mom and my sister
LPS Cupcakes made by Mommy and Mrs. Amanda
Skipper, Erik and Nelson at the party.
Ella sees her "big" birthday present.

Ella and her new camera. Yes, my 6 year old got a digital camera. So much for going easy on the bank account :)
Erik, me, Lucy, Nanny and Ella in her Kindergarten classroom.

Ella and her American Girl Doll, Mary, wearing the matching dresses Grandma made.

Blowing out candles on her actual birthday.