(RC is short for Racecar Carlos. For those of you who haven't heard, my lovely children have picked those names. Until Erik stops avoiding the inevitable conversation and decision, we shall continue to call him RC.)
I found a bib at The Freckled Frog about 2 weeks before we found out we were having a boy. It was this great construction equipment design.
I immediately fell in love with it and bought it. I knew that if our "hunches" turned out to be wrong, I could always return it for a pink model! Once our suspicions were confirmed I started the search for the perfect nursery. Having had two girls, I knew I wanted something very boyish. I really wanted to avoid themes but wanted more than blue and brown. (which, btw, is very popular these days.)
We went fabric shopping in the big city and I ordered different swatches from some online fabric retailers. I didn't like anything I found and all the while I could not get the cute bib fabric out of my mind. So, I set out on a mission to find the construction fabric. Erik says its a bit predictable (the whole construction theme) but I love it. This is what I found:
Hi Kate, I know you are extremely busy with everything that is going on in your life right now with your daughter. I came upon your blog when I was searching for construction bedding for my sister's nursery. I know you might be too busy to get back with me, if he even see this comment since you posted this so long ago, but I wanted to know where you got this bedding from? This is the only bedding my sister has seen that she really loves!! If you don't mind letting me know my email address is kimberlywasher@gmail.com. I will be praying for you and your family.