Is it really January? Janaury 29th to be exact and 65 degrees. It was beautiful! Wonderful enough to entice a fun group of friends to go 4-wheeler riding. I took these with my phone, but oh how I wish I had my camera. I missed so many fun photo-ops. Oh well, I still have lots of memories to cherish!
Nanny and Pops of the Year
A big thank you is much deserved for my Mom and Dad. This is what they did while we skiied every day:

I know it killed them not being able to leave the house and it is definately not like my Dad to stay so couped up in the house. They were wonderful though. Just so gracious to watch the kiddos. There were moments, I'm sure, when they wanted to pull their hair out but they hung in there for the week. And while Maddie and Jack won't remember anything about this trip, my sister and I will always remember it as the trip where out parents acted completely selfless and allowed us to have a wonderful vacation. I love you Mom and Dad!!
Colorado Part II
Here are more pictures from our day of sledding at the kid's park:
My sister and me and our babies. Maddie and Jack are 6 months apart. I can't wait to watch them grow up together.
Colorado Part 1
Earlier this month our family went to Colorado for our annual ski trip. It was our 5, Mom, Dad, Rebecca, Maddie and John Paul. Rebecca's husband did not go due to a recent stomach surgery and Dad was not able to ski because of a torn ACL. Nanny and Pops were babysitters of the year--watching both Jack and Maddie each day so that we all could ski. We did take one day off, though, to have a "fun" day with the girls. Tubing down the kiddie hill is always one of our favorite things to do!
Lucy with her ski school class. She was a natural. She was skiing circles around the other kids in no time flat. As a matter of fact, once she started skiing with us we had to constantly tell her to slow down!
My favorite picture spot on all of the mountain. I will never, ever tire of this beautiful view.
Uncle John Paul and his two girls! He was Mr. Popular this trip. The girls just soaked up their time with him. Every day when it was time to leave, we would meet by the first pit. The girls would get ice cream and JP and I would get a latte.
This is the day the girls skied with us all day. We had so much fun with them. Ella, as usual, skied very conservatively while Lucy was a wild child!
Erik leading with Ella close behind.
Ella in the warming hut on our last run of the day.
Another day by the fire pit.
Ella and Lucy getting ready for a full day of adventures. Ella has been begging to ski with poles for the past 2 years. Erik finally gave in and let her have them on this particular day. We no more than got off the first lift and she already disliked them. We had to ski them down to a lift and pick them up at the end of the day.
Upwards #14
Basketball season has begun but this year we are trying something new. In an effort to support a local church, we decided to join their Upwards basketball program. So far we have been really pleased. Before the first game, the church hosted a big kick-off celebration. Each child's name was called out and he/she ran through this really cool tunnel onto the middle of the court. It was just like being at a Tigers game (well, almost). Ella really thought it was special and I was so proud of her.
These pictures are from the first game she played. Due to our ski trip, she missed the first two games. She was a defensive machine this past Saturday. She played her little heart out.
Snow Day
This past Thursday we received a wonderful treat. Approximately 2" of beautiful snow fell and covered our little town like a blanket. It was so beautiful. Even though we just came home from a winter wonderland (Colorado), we still could appreciate the beauty this small snow fall had to offer. The girls couldn't wait to get outside to play. They even wore their ski goggles. I'm not really sure why, but it was too cute to argue over.

Lucy---the Babysitter
A Fond Farewell
Have you ever had someone come into your life and make a profound impact? Maybe you knew this person almost your whole life and it took growing up, moving away, and then coming back home to realize what this person would mean to you. Then, that person moves away and you are left with a whole in your life that will never truly be replaced.
My friend Kendra is that person to me. Kendra was always just the younger sister to my friend Jaime. I played alongside her most of my life, but never really got to know her. That is until about 6 years ago when we moved back "home." Kendra had grown to be this well-respected, eloquent, super-stylish and sophisticated hero in our home town. I was amazed. But I was more honored than anything that she would be my friend.
And while we are all still reeling from the aftermath of her sudden move across the country, I will hold fast to the many fond memories we have made over the past 6 years. I love you Kendra. You will forever be missed!

My friend Kendra is that person to me. Kendra was always just the younger sister to my friend Jaime. I played alongside her most of my life, but never really got to know her. That is until about 6 years ago when we moved back "home." Kendra had grown to be this well-respected, eloquent, super-stylish and sophisticated hero in our home town. I was amazed. But I was more honored than anything that she would be my friend.
And while we are all still reeling from the aftermath of her sudden move across the country, I will hold fast to the many fond memories we have made over the past 6 years. I love you Kendra. You will forever be missed!
I'm 4 months old
Baby Jack turned 4 months old yesterday. 3 days earlier he started rolling over. Now he can't be left alone for more than a minute because he gets really, really frustrated laying on his tummy for too long. We are still working through some sleeping issues, but Jack just might be the happiest baby I've ever known. He smiles all the time and loves to talk to anyone who will talk back. What a blessing he is!
UPDATE: at Jack's 4 month appointment he weighed 14 lbs. 12 oz and was in the 75% of both height and weight.

UPDATE: at Jack's 4 month appointment he weighed 14 lbs. 12 oz and was in the 75% of both height and weight.
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