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Happy Sunday

Weekend highlights:

Basketball season came to an end. Swimming starts tomorrow. In laws were here to visit. Kids were ridiculously spoiled rotten. The house has been loved to death--dirt covered floors from
endless bonfires and marshmallow roasting. Still on cloud nine over our 501(c)3!! 

A special dinner with my hubby followed by a late night of Memphis Tiger basketball

Our modem was taken out by the lightning storm Last weekend and now I'm way behind in everything...Especially blog posts. Oh, well.  God knew I needed to shut down for a little while. 

I hope your weekend was as wonderful
As mine!!

Don't forget about the great sweepstakes on the blog from #maxwellhouseinternationalcafe ending soon!


  1. desperateforavacationFebruary 24, 2014 at 11:26 AM

    Glad you had an awesome weekend.

  2. Yo Jack. That boy gonna break some hearts.

  3. Yay for such a great weekend. Ours was exhausting and I'm looking forward to a better one this coming weekend.
