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We Boarded Another Roller-coaster

Today I am thankful for the summer that I have had with my children.  All three of them. My heart is so burdened for friends trying to make their way through the heartache of cancer. Friends who may not have their children much longer. 

It's been an emotional and unnerving week for us. Lucy wil never vomit or sleep super late again in her life without me worrying. There is a place in my mind and heart that I try to never visit. This week I went there several times. Thoughts, fears, visions..from the depth of my soul surfaced. 

I feel confident that Lucy is fine but your prayers are appreciated. Scans are this coming Thursday so our nerves are already on high. We continue to pray for peace, healing and Gods hand of mercy to continually be on Lucy. 


  1. Praying that all is well.. I can't even imagine your nerves waiting to go get the scans and then waiting for the results.. May they be 150% AOK...

  2. Covering you all in prayer!!!

  3. Praying with you all day, claiming His promise that he walks through the fire with you.

  4. Claiming 100% healing here on earth for Lucy! Continuing to pray and pray!!

  5. Even 3 and a half years later, Lucy is still in my prayers daily, I believe with all my heart that these scans will be clear! Love you Lucy girl!!!

  6. Will be praying. Hugs & love to you.

  7. I will continue to pray for you beautiful Lucy. And the rest of you. I have come to love Lucy so very much, she is my inspiration in life. God bless.
