I've thought a good bit about Lucy's upcoming scans this week. They are next Thursday, the 26th. I've thought about them, but I, thankfully, am not dwelling on them. What good would that do? I'm sure as next week inches closer the scanxiety will begin to settle in in a major way. All I can do is pray. I ask you to do the same, please.
One thing keeping my mind preoccupied this week is our schedule. We are busy. Very busy. Just like any family with 3 kids and 2 society-contributing adults. I'm not complaining. I actually like staying busy for several reasons. One, it keeps my mind off of the bad (scary) thoughts that can easily creep in every hour. Two, it means that we are healthy enough to be busy! So, that being said I'm trying to figure out some things to implement into our daily lives that will help us stay focused and on task. Nights are particularly hard as we have a lot of medical prep for Lucy.
In the fall I purchased a new planner from erincondren.com. This is the print I got and I just love it. I have a thing for planners and this one is by far my favorite. It has a spot for everything! I have it by my side every day of the week. Right now you can get a 2012 planner 40% off. Just thought I would throw that out there.
erincondren.com |
I also found these printables from Pinterest. I LOVE Pinterest and adore the mobile app. I will be the first to admit that my kids have been "loved" (not spoiled) a little too much. Erik and I agree that its time Ella starts contributing to our family. I don't want her to see this as a punishment, but rather to teach her that everyone has to do their part to make our family work. We also want to give Lucy some jobs so that she feels as much a part of the family as Ella. We haven't figured out what everyone's jobs will be but they will obviously be age appropriate.
Out of necessity I have become much more effective with my night time activities. Every night I always do a load of laundry, make sure the dishes are done and prepare the girls backpacks for school the next day. I try really hard to make sure the playroom is clean before I retire as well. Last night I was beat and just didn't do it. I regretted it when I woke up to a huge mess this morning. Oh, well. Today was a new day.
I make sure to lay out clothes for the next day and prepare lunches as much as possible. I got these two items from Potterybarnkids.com this school year. Ella absolutely loves getting notes from me in her lunch. I also like being able to send her chips and hummus or veggies and ranch in this container.
potterybarnkids.com |
The biggest thing I am working on is getting back on track with my meal planning. I used to be very diligent about planning each and every meal and was able to make one trip a week to the grocery. Now I find myself at 5:00 in a panic because I haven't even had time to think about dinner, much less plan a healthy meal for my family! As a stay at home mom I feel that this is one of my major job duties and I take pride in providing a hot and nutritious meal for my family. It might sound old fashioned, but that doesn't bother me. Again, I'm loving Pinterest and the new recipes I am trying to incorporate into my meal planning, especially the gluten free recipes.
I have a recipe journal that I copy success recipes into after my guinea pigs give it a thumbs up. Last night I made this recipe for Parmesan Tilapia and it will definitely be going into the journal. I don't even like fish and I thought it was really good.
So, that's what's been on my mind this week. Trying to make it all work. Trying to keep this family afloat. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.