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Closing Ceremonies

Tonight is a catch up post.  Lucy and Ella had a nice time this year playing softball, but I think we are all glad its over.  Ella really wanted to give it another shot, but she's decided softball just isn't her "thing."  I think Lucy will have too many limitations next year to try to play, but this year was a great confidence booster for her.  She was so proud of her ability and she was really quite impressive.  She hit every single time the ball was thrown--only once off the tee.  She is an amazing little girl.

Ella also had a good year.  She enjoyed spending time with her friends and her Daddy is happy that they can now play catch in the yard.  I think that's a great skill for any little girl to have.  Even though softball isn't her thing, I am proud of her determination to try hard this season.  

This is Lucy's coach, Mrs. Jennifer.  She agreed to take Lucy on her team this year and we couldn't have asked for a better coach.  She was so loving and caring, but also encouraged Lucy when she wanted to give up.  It was the perfect situation for Lucy and we are so very thankful for Mrs. Jennifer.

Here she is.  So very proud of her 1st place team trophy and the Sportsmanship Trophy.  No one deserved it more than Lucy.  She worked so hard for it and my heart still swells when I think about how wonderful she is.

There are many challenges that our family faces each day.  Ella, Lucy, all of us.  One thing that Erik and I want to instill in our children is that no matter what life hands you you have to push through and work hard.  It would be so easy for all of us to sit around and complain.  We could all just feel sorry for ourselves and give up on life.  But what kind of life is that?

God never promised that this life would be easy, but He did promise it would be worth it.  And boy, is it.  I'll take the hard days, the challenges, the trials and the tribulation for one day with my family.  I am blessed beyond any measure of human reasoning.  I don't deserve any of it, but God has given me so very much.

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  1. Great job girls!! I LOVE reading about your accomplishments. :)

  2. This makes me smile SO big!!!!

  3. Lucy looks so big! So much healthier and playing sports, amazing. God is great!

  4. desperateforavacationJuly 16, 2013 at 10:09 PM

    I think you are a great example to your all of us.

    Good job girls!!!

  5. Way to go for both Ella and Lucy!!! It looks like it was a good end to the softball season.
