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We Survived

It's official. VBS 2014 is over and we are all still alive. Very tired and a little cranky but we are all still kicking. It was an amazing week filled with fellowship and great opportunities doe sharing God's love with more than 200 children every day! 

Those are 4 of my favorite 3rd graders. I taught them in preschool when they were 4 years old. They are my only year of teaching such a joy!  I think if Lucy had not gotten sick I would still be teaching pre-k. Now I just get my fill through church and VBS. 

We spent most afternoons lounging by the pool, trying to recover from the days' adventures. 

This week has really been one of the most fun summer weeks we have had in many years. I've gone to bed utterly exhausted but filled to the brim with happiness every night. I am so grateful for my family and the blessings that come with every single day with them.