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Farewell and a Nightmare

Well, we are leaving the mountain a little earlier than planned. There is a huge storm coming through Denver and we thought it was wise to head down the mountain tonight.

As we were loading up in the trucks, the airline called and cancelled all of our flights. There are six couples here and we have all been rescheduled for six different flights on Monday all arriving at different times. Both of our trucks are in Little Rock, Arkansas, which is 3 hours from our home.

Our wonderful vacation just hit a major speed bump!


  1. I am so sorry! I am always afraid when we ski thar we won't make it off the mountain or our flight will be cancelled. Hope you can make fun memories.

  2. I've been reading for a year or more, but never comment. We recently moved from Alabama to Colorado to plant a church. We live in Colorado Springs, about an hr south of Denver. Happy to give you a place to stay free if you need it. You can call me at 334-654-3054. Seriously!!

  3. Yikes! Thankful everyone is safe. Inconvenient for sure!!! But safe. Hope you had enough good memories to ignore the ending.

  4. Someday you'll laugh about this, right? Right? Have a safe trip.

  5. You could always look at this as a little side adventure. When I was a kid and something happened to delay or re-route our trip, to me it was always so exciting especially if it was at the end of the trip as it just extended the fun a little longer.

    Hoping you make it home safe and sound.

  6. I hope all the memories of your fun filled trip will help put and keep a SMILE on your faces as you make your way home safe & sound!! God Bless You All. xo

  7. Prayers for a safe return home for all of you! A vacation you will never forget....

  8. I hope you made it home safely! It looks like you had a great time with your friends!
