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Lucy's Surgery

I am happy to report that Lucy came through her surgery with flying colors.  She was a little sore this morning (and again tonight) but she went to school today and did great.  She will have to take it easy for the next 10 days while her incision heals, but she is going to be just fine.  I just want to thank you all for continuing to pray for our girl.  I know that many more stories of precious, sick children have come your way and it would be so easy to move on from our family.  We know this and we appreciate the prayers that are lifted on her behalf every single day.

I had a rough day yesterday at St. Jude and then at home.  The weight on anxiety was so heavy on my shoulders that I went to bed at 8:30pm with the worst neck ache I've ever had.  I felt nauseated and had cold sweats.  I think the longer I'm away from St. Jude the harder it is to go back each time.

We saw a family that had been at the Target house with us in the Fall of 2011.  We found out that 7 months after he was home from his treatment of Ewings Sarcoma, he was diagnosed with AML.  I couldn't even speak to his mother.  I had nothing of any encouragement to give her.  I felt so helpless, and could only imagine how she must have felt.  Cancer is evil.  EVIL.

I couldn't sleep last night thinking about them.  It would be Lucy.  It could be our family again.  While I don't let my mind and heart go there often I would be lying if I said it wasn't something that was always on the back of my mind.  Cancer and the effect of Lucy's treatment will haunt our family as long as we live.  Ella couldn't even stay at school yesterday she was so worked up about Lucy's surgery.  The worst part was that there was nothing I could say to Ella to make her feel better.  (I was 0 for 2 yesterday in the "words of wisdom" category."

Lucy will be having some renal studies done during her next week of visits, which is rapidly approaching.  Sept 3,4 & 5 will be our next "hurdle" to overcome.  We are praying for clear scans but we are also praying for fully functioning kidneys and clear tests.  We ask that you please join us.  Until then, we will continue on with life as normal.  Even though it seems impossible at times, with God's help we take it a day at a time.  

Waking up, just like going to sleep sometimes for me, is always the hardest part.  Lucy finds comfort in my arms and I continually find comfort in the arms of God.  

"The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are His everlasting arms." 
Deuteronomy 33:27


  1. I could never move on from Lucy and your family. Lucy has my heart and although I will never feel the anxiety that you are going through I feel anxious and only God can comfort me. So glad to hear the surgery went well and will continue to pray for healthy kidneys and for clear scans.

    Always praying for you Lucy and family. :)

  2. Oh yes, praying for the family that you know. Cancer is a real evil disease.

  3. Thankful that her surgery went well! Praying that our sweet Lord continue to cradle her And your family in His loving and healing hands. Cancer is evil... After a year long treatment and stem cell transplant, we learned my sister is not in remission.. So back to square one. Chemo started again last week and we continue to trust in our Lord and know that He is in control. Prayers for Cari appreciated my friend!

  4. desperateforavacationAugust 20, 2013 at 11:34 PM

    Thankful and praying.

  5. We are always keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Glad she is doing well, now we will pray for clean scans.

  6. Michelle from AustraliaAugust 21, 2013 at 12:36 AM

    I look at Lucy's face in the picture of you pair in the theatre 'hats'. And she looks so, so well. So far you've ALL come from when she was losing weight and you were talking about feeding tubes. Be proud of yourself for her and all who love her getting her to where she is today. And thank you for letting so many of us who have prayed for you all continue on the journey celebrating her achievements.

  7. You are still in my prayers! Cancer is evil, evil....

  8. So glad you got a positive outcome. It's been so wonderful to watch God's work in Lucy's life. We'll be praying for good scans too. Blessings.

  9. So glad to hear the positive outcome from Lucy's procedure! You all are continually in our prayers!! Love & blessings... :)

  10. You are such an amazing mom! Been following your stories for awhile now but don't think I have ever commented. Will continue to pray for your family! You amaze me with every post you write! Your strength and Faith is such an inspiration!

  11. She looks fat and sassy!
    Lots of healing energies already placed inside her! I am SO encouraged by those filled-out cheeks and the roses in them!

  12. I honestly think cancer survivors and their care takers will always suffer to some degree from post-traumatic stress disorder. What your eyes have seen and your heart has felt was horrendous. It can never be 'undone' just because the cancer is gone. Will continue praying for you and Lucy and fam...always!

  13. James 4:6 -- But HE gives us more GRACE!

  14. Glad to hear Lucy has cleared another "hurdle". Just want you to know that I call Lucy's name EVERY night when I pray! I always give thanks to God for her healing, as well as another close friends husband. Your strength will sustain you, even though you feel that your strength is dwindling some days. Your faith in God has been a great witness to us all. Continuing to pray for blessings for Lucy!!
    Love you all!

  15. Kate, I'm so glad everything went well.
    I check your blog everyday and often think what would my day be like if this blog were no longer there. I want to be able to follow Lucy's continued path of wellness and recovery. I want to see what God has in store for her.
    You are an amazing Godly woman who has had a lot of pain and suffering as a mother. I think probably the worst pain possible.
    Try to be more kind and understanding to yourself. You are human and can only bare so much before you feel weakend. You know you are a Child of God. He has you always in His loving arms as well as Lucy and the rest of your family.
    Prayers to you always.
    God Bless
    WA State

  16. Kate,
    So glad that Lucy came thru her surgery well. Please know that you are not required to have "words of wisdom" for each and every situation. You simply need to stand and be there. Your presence speaks more than any words. Ella will remember you standing tall and strong for your family. We continue to pray for Lucy and all of you. Sending our love and prayers from Korcula island.

  17. So glad that everything went well!

  18. Beautiful. Keep believing! You know the Lord will see you through!

  19. You, and your family, are often in my prayers Kate. Specifically this week I will pray for peace of mind for you, and for Ella, as you deal with the after effects of Lucy's surgery and face the upcoming scans.

  20. We have our scans at st jude sept 11 & 12. You have been a big part in my life even tho we have never met. I hope one day i see yall. Praying!!! Every day!! Here are my 3 with the one who was born w/cancer in the middle
