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A Week of Thankfulness

While I haven't forgotten about Thanksgiving, I am beginning to really feel the pressures of Christmas mounting up.  There are the presents to buy, the food to make, the unnumbered events to attend and this year (because we don't have enough on our plates) Erik, Ella and I will be performing in our church's Christmas program.  Did I mention that the trio is all there is?  No other actors.  Just a tiny bit of pressure.

 Jack is thankful for Momma's boots.  He said my boots were hard to walk in.  

In an effort to really like our my Thanksgiving this season, and not completely blow through November as if it doesn't exist, I am journaling my daily #daysofthanksgiving on Instagram.  I have found myself snapping more pictures and acknowledging the things and people I am thankful for several times throughout the day.

At night we are filling up our Thankful Tree with everything we are thankful for.  I love hearing what the children have to say as we eat dinner as a family.  Jack has us laughing each time; dinosaurs, trucks, racecars.  It dawned on my tonight during our homemade potato soup dinner that he was actually rattling off his Christmas list.  Oh, well.  He's only 3.

I try to live a thankful life and most day I think I succeed.  Yes, we've been given some unexpected and possibly "unfair" situations to handle but I can honestly say that I at any given moment I am totally aware that things could be worse.  Isn't that something for which I should always be thankful? Tonight I am thankful for 3 well children at their well child check ups.  My children's health has never meant more to me than it does now.

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  1. Love Jacks "boots", and his Christmas "Thankful List"! He gave me a chuckle tonight which is something for me to be Thankful about! Thank you Kate for your blog and I love that it is such an HONEST blog!

  2. We go around and say one thing we're thankful for every night before dinner. It has really helped us cultivate an attitude of gratitude through out the year, which I love. I think it's great to be really mindful of our thankfulness.

  3. Marcia Baker Van AlstineNovember 17, 2013 at 9:19 PM

    Well babies. Life is good. Glad you and yours are happy busy healthy:)

  4. Kate,
    Can you please pray for Cash Shank of Visalia, California? Last year he was diagnosed with a rare Stage 4 brain cancer and was flown to St. Jude’s in Memphis for treatment. His FB page on Friday, November 15 read, Megan and Rob appreciate your thoughts and prayers more than you will ever know. They heard back from St. Judes with news that they are still trying to wrap their heads around. Cash's tumor is attacking fast, and surgery at this point is to risky and the tumor will just keep coming back. They are going to make Cash as comfortable as possible until it is his time. Please continue to pray for their entire family, pray for a miracle for our super hero Cash. His FB page is named 'Prayers for Cash Shank'.
    Please pray for a miracle for Cash and his family. I have followed Lucy's story and thought I would reach out to you and ask for prayer.
    Thank you,
    Laura Erickson
    Pomeroy, Iowa
