While Lucy was sick, a nice gentleman from our town made this tree for me. It came with a great story of thankfulness. I figured this Thanksgiving was a great time to incorporate the tree into our family traditions. We don't get to sit down every night for dinner (thanks to 5 busy schedules) but when we do we are going to list the things for which we are thankful.
I love that Jack is thankful for the letter J. He gets to take his Jeep to school tomorrow for Show and Share.
Sometimes it is just the little things that make us happy. It could be a friend's smile, the touch of the man (or woman) you love or maybe it's just watching the red and yellow leaves fall across the yard. Those are the things that mean the most to me. Those are the things that bring me the most happiness. These simple pleasures might have slipped past me before but today I am thankful. Very, very thankful.
Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 107:1
Every night before dinner we go around the table and say what we are thankful for from the day. I love cultivating this spirit of thankfulness every day.