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Ski Down for Cancer

We have been coming to Winter Park, Colorado for almost 20 years.  It is like a home away from home for our family.  Yesterday, if possible, I fell even more in love with this city.  The ski resort held its annual Ski Down for Cancer event, raising money for cancer research.  In a crazy set of events, Lucy was asked to be a part of it.

Riding down in a sled with Ella, she was the only cancer survivor present at the event.  Even though she wasn't skiing it was the first time she had been on the mountain in 5 years.  It was a surprisingly emotional time for me.  I still pray that one day she will be able to ski again, but until then we will keep on fighting.  God has been so good to our family and I am so very thankful for the time I am having with my family right now.

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  1. Precious picture of Lucy!

  2. Happy to hear that Lucy could participate in a small way in that event. So sorry that it's hard for her to do activities like that with your family. Hoping for new developments to help her join your fun. Wishing all the best for you and your family.

  3. That sounds really amazing Kate! With everything Lucy has gone through and accomplished I have faith that she WILL ski again too.

  4. Love the picture of Lucy. She will be back sking one day - I am convicted in my heart of that.

  5. Nice!!! There is always hope, never give up and press in with prayer and Lucy will ski again. There was a leukemia survivor in the winter Olympics. Check it out...

