September 17th, 2010. Baby Jon Keller Krull is here. After a 10:15 OB appointment, I began having contractions around lunch time. During my exam, at which I was 37 weeks and 5 days, my doctor said I was right at 3cm, still 70% effaced but very very ready. She predicted a birth by the weekend's end. Mom and I went to meet Maddie and Rebecca for lunch and that's when it all started. I could hardly finish my half of the cheeseburger I was sharing. My contractions were around 4 min apart and steadily getting stronger.
I called the OB and she said to wait as long as I possibly could before going to the hospital, but to NOT go home. So, that's when the adventure began. Mom, Maddie, Rebecca and I went to Hobby Lobby first. I got Lucy's picture framed and we walked around the store until we were bored there. Contractions were still getting stronger. Then we went to Target. We did a lof of walking there, but decided that we needed to head somewhere else quickly before one more random thing was added to our cart! So across the street to the mall we went.
At this point I was really, really hurting but determined to push myself as far as I could go. Once we got to the mall we just walked and walked. Contractions were coming stronger and harder and at times I could hardly stand up. After about an hour and a half, I had had enough. I was ready to go to the hospital.
Oh, by the way, this whole time my sweet husband was frantically trying to get back from a trip to Nashville he had taken yesterday. He flew so he was at the mercy of the skies. As God could only plan, Erik was right at exit 18 when I made the hospital call. Man, God is good!
So it's around 4:45 and off to the hospital we go. I went straight to triage--where I would spend almost the next 2 hours. The labor and delivery floor was PACKED! Upon examination I was right at 4 cm, so far along enough to keep me. Contractions were registering every 3 min. When my OB came in to check me she said that much to her dismay she would have to wait to break my waters. Because my labors progress so quickly she was afraid that I would not have a chance to get an epidural before he came. Yikes!~ That would have been horrible.
Once we finally got clearance to head to a room, things really began to rock and roll. I received my epicdural, thanks to a very embarrasing situation in which the Anesthesiologist was a college buddy of Erik's and mine. He did a great job, but I was not expecting to see him walk through the door. I recevied my epidural around 8:30pm and then the OB came in to break my waters around 9:15. I sat back and visited with friends and family until around 10:15. I was telling the nurse how quickly Ella and Lucy came after my water broke and she got a little nervous. I'm so glad she checked because Jack was ready to come. RIGHT THEN! After 3 quick pushes, he was here. It all happened so fast. It's still very surreal.
He is a beautiful baby boy. We are so excited, grateful, nervous and just plain giddy! God heard our prayers and answered them. I just really can't believe he is here. I can't wait to spend the next few weeks cuddling and loving on him. I just want to savor every moment that I can. The laundry and dishes will wait. I know all to well that this time in his life will go so quickly; and once its gone you can't get it back.
He is going to be loved by his sisters to death! They are both so very excited to be with him and take care of him. He's got his daddy's heart alread,y too. Erik can already envision lots of football games watched and soccer games played together. It's just awesome right now. My life is great and my God is greater!
(in triage)
Congrats! He's beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteAwww! I ♥ him already! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! What a beauty! I am sure he will be smoothered with love:)
ReplyDeleteBTW, beautiful pictures.
I am jealous of your quick labor!! He is you said, enjoy each moment, before you know it, he will be 5 months old!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, again! We are so happy for you guys!!