My mom has given all of my children their first bath at home. Baby Jack was going to be no different. With Ella I was just scared to death to bathe her, so mom had to do it. With Lucy and Jack it was more of a tradition. My mom is the best grandmother and has helped me out so much when my children were born. I often think about almost losing her in 1995 and I am so grateful to God that he spared her life. I could not imagine my life or my children's lives without their Nanny.
Lucy and Ella wanted to help out with Jack's bath, so we all piled in the bathroom to watch the grand event. This picture says it all to me. Lucy could care less and Ella is utterly distraught that Jack is screaming. It's actually pretty funny to see their personalities shine through this picture.

All clean and smelling like a baby!
That's funny!..and actually, THAT was the first thing I noticed. Ellas distraught look and Lucy's carlessness! LOL Too cute!