The doctor said I could go at any time, but we have all been told that before. I'm just hoping that this time she is right. Lucy came at 37 weeks, so maybe I can continue that pattern! Yesterday when I got home from the doctor I was exhausted. I mean like first trimester tired. I wonder if my body is just getting ready?
I wanted to remember this pregnancy, so I thought I would list a few of the things that I specifically remember about being pregnant with baby Jack.
Here is a list of the bad things:
- My back hurt non-stop
- The summer weather was a killer this year (July and Aug were miserably hot)
- I suffered from extreme insomnia. I have to take a sleeping pill every night to get any rest.
- I had stomach ulcers the whole first trimester that caused severe pain. They cleared up with medicine but that was a miserable period of time.
- Gaining way too much weight. I still don't know what I did differently than the first two pregnancies. Oh, well! Hope it comes off as easily as it went on. Ha!
- Restless Leg Syndrome. I'll say no more.
Here is a list of the good things:
- Watching my girls delight in seeing my belly grow and coming to some kind of understanding that their baby brother is in there.
- Watching Erik's growing excitement of really understanding that he was having a little boy. At first he was very coy about the whole thing. Now I can tell he's pretty darn excited!
- Getting a little boy's room together and buying all things NOT pink!
- Ella and Lucy kissing and talking to baby Jack through my belly. Oh mercy! There is nothing more innocent and sweet.
- Knowing that I am going to be a mother again. The thoughts of holding a sweet baby who is completely dependent on me is such a good feeling. I love being a mommy!
- Allowing myself to indulge in the few cravings I've had this time around...
My cravings have included the following:

Here is my other beverage craving of choice. It's the Sparkling Strawberry Lemonade that is a special feature at Sonic this summer. It's the perfect combination of carbonation, lemonade and strawberries. I love it! Route 44 kind of love. The girls that threw my baby shower even bought several gallons of this stuff for my shower "punch."

All in all I have had a great pregnancy. I'm not sure my body would want to do it again, but I guess its too early to rule out all possibilities. I am so anxious and excited to meet Jack. I continue to pray that God will watch over him in my womb and that he will continue to grow healthy and strong. It won't be much longer now! I love you little baby!

just saw this! lay up and rest girl! can't wait to hear about his arrival:) and i want to see a pix of his room!