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A Picture That Didn't Happen

This is the picture that never happened.

Nope, it just wasn't happening today.

After Jack's appointment with the allergist--yes, again--we met my sister and niece at Pei Wei.  I'm fairly addicted to the yummy fare and yes, I did have it for lunch yesterday too.  That's just how I roll.  I love my sister so much and her little stinker makes me laugh so hard!  I just wish they lived closer.  Having lunch with them made my week.

Love you sis!
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  1. Lol!! Well the picture that didn't happen is pretty sweet. :)

    Blessings hon,

  2. Too cute, althought I'm going to have to question Jack's taste in football teams (coming to you from Chicago Bears country)!

  3. So Sweet!!! BUT I LOVE his football team choice :) Go Pack Go!!!

  4. They are too cute! Sometimes I think the picture should be of the people trying to take kid's pics! I am sure I look like a crazy person when I am trying desperately to get my niece, nephews and kids pics! LOL

  5. Kate, He is so sweet. He looks like he is playing hard to get a picture MOM...And that Smile. .OMGosh

  6. Oh Jack, the Pack is my team!! They are so cute. signed, a smiling Wisconsinite.
