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Happy Love Day

Happy Valentine's Day..from all of us here at the Krull home.

We hope your day was full of love and happiness!


  1. Happy Love Day to you and your family.

    Blessings, <3

  2. Happy Valentines Day to the Krulls allhe way from Vermont.

  3. Just wanted to say - in a relation to your post from a couple of days ago - that my daughter has a hairpiece and it has been SO worth the expense, After years of people staring at her (she's 11) she went in an instant to normality - and instead of obsessing over her appearance in the mirror, she just pulls her hair back in a pony tail and gets on with life. She swims as well!

  4. We celebrated Valentine's a day early but it was still really nice. Happy Friday to you!

  5. Hope you had a Happy Heart Day! Love that last photo! That Jack looks like he is something else! My Jack was like that, too. Mouth always wide open and always in full blast mode. Ha! And now he is 18....doesn't seem possible. Just curious...what is your Jack's middle name?

    Lisa Schaffer

  6. I hope the same for you and your family. :)

    I don't know if you read this blog, but I wanted to share this specific blog post with you. I know that you still do things (like serving meals) at Le Bonheur and while I am not sure what area it is, I imagine that you must know some parents who are going through seeing their child dealing with cancer treatments. This seems like a great resource for parents regarding foods to help children going through treatments.

  7. I logged in from my Facebook profile.. I don't remember how I have done so before, but I've commented on your blog before and have been reading for many months (at least). I also e-mailed you recently in response to you e-mailing me after I commented and asked why you had to have chicken when your family had fish.... you did a mass delete after that, so you may not have seen my response... but I just wanted to make it known that I am a regular reader even though it says this is my first comment made.
