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Racing for a Cure

The St. Jude Marathon and 5k was held on Dec 3rd.  Team Lucy was well represented by friends, family and strangers alike.  Of the 16,000+ runners, I would take a guess that very few actually personally know a child suffering from a life-threatening cancer.  But like with Lucy, so many people have grown to know and love her through the advent of social networks and the old-timey prayer chains and word of mouth.  So, even if there was not a blood relationship with a child suffering from cancer, there is an emotional attachment for probably each and every runner. 

St. Jude is an amazing hospital and will be a part of our lives forever.   Because of the generousity of people throughout this world, St. Jude is able to help families like ours have HOPE.  Hope for a future, hope for a cure and hope for a life without cancer.  Thank you to all who participated in the Marathon, Half-Marathon and 5k.  Thank you to the ones who walked in honor of Lucy.  And thank you to all who walked in honor/memory of the thousands of children who suffer from childhood cancer. 

A special thanks to those I know that came in from out of town.  It was wonderful seeing so many friends from college (especially all you Pi Phis!)  A huge thank you to Kristie Lyons for organizing our huge group and designing our great shirts!  Team Lucy looked fabulous!!!

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  1. What a BEAUTIFUL day!! Just to see all of those people running for Lucy and all of the other children! I prayed for you.
    Merry Christmas Kate!
    PS. I had to buy Arms for my iPod. I just love your choice of music.

  2. I have followed Lucy's journey with cancer and feel like I know you all. I was watching a video that someone posted on facebook from St. Judes with the bells. I was so excited to see her in the video!!! Merry Christmas to you all and I pray that God will bless you all with good health in 2012.

  3. Are you Pi Phi? I'm a Colorado Epsilon, and my big sister is training with me to run next year's St. Jude marathon.
    Happy Holidays and Pi Phi love, Kate.
    We both read your blog and are praying for your Lucy every day.
