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Need Your Help

Are those of you that are getting my blog updates via email receiving them? I think some people are having trouble. I'm trying to figure out if it's my end or theirs. Please let me know!!


  1. I am not getting your updates. Prayers and much love for your family!

  2. I have not been getting them :(

  3. I'm not getting the updates and I really miss them.

  4. I haven't been getting them for the past week or 2 either...

  5. Am not receiving email notices of posts.....MISS THEM!

  6. Haven't been getting them the past couple of weeks. Clicked on to subscribe again and it says I am already receiving the feed. Have a great day!

  7. i haven't gotten them for a few weeks now...miss seeing all about your sweet family!

  8. Haven't been getting them! :( As a matter of fact, I had to pop on over here to make sure that everything was okay and saw that I had been missing posts!!! So glad to see that all is well in the Krull family and that it is a technical thing and not a health thing going on!!! Hope it is back up and running soon! Praying for y'all!

  9. Haven't received the updates in a few weeks. Thought you hadnt posted in awhile stopped by and found out I had missed quite a few. Love reading about your family.

  10. I haven't been getting them either. :( Been thinking about you guys a ton!

  11. I am getting the updates and always look forward to reading about you and your family.

  12. I haven't gotten anything in weeks. I came over to your Blog just to see if you had stopped posting (which didn't sound like something you would do). I was surprised to find that I have missed so much! I love hearing about you, Lucy and the family. Hope someone can find the problem and fix it soon.
