Today has been an exhausting day for all of us. Since Lucy recevied the Cyclophosphomide and Mesna, she has had to pee every 2 hours. This will continue until 10am Thursday. I got up with her last night and Erik will have his turn tonight, although I will inevitably be up with them both. Just like most moms, I hear every sigh, every breath, every toss and turn in her bed. I try to sleep through it, but my heart won't let me. Lucy is also teetering on the verge of a fever. We feel fairly confident that she has a small infection at the site of her central line. To be safe she is being treated with 2 IV antibiotics and 2 medicated ointments. We are praying constantly that his matter will be resolved without any major complications.
So, after a long night for us all I awoke to the sound of a "thump-thump-thump" around 7am. I was a little agitated to be honest, then I walked into the room and found Lucy sitting on the window ledge, throwing a ball to her Daddy. Apparently, she thought it would be a good idea to practice for physical therapy. I horse-laughed and then got in the shower. It was a rude awakening, but a funny way to start the day for sure! Here she is waiting patiently for her Chemo to start so that she can go to PT. Just a few months ago she screamed and wailed when it was time for PT. This morning she cried because she
couldn't go!
Before we could go to PT, she had to have her morning check-up. Mrs. Kim came in and Lucy helped with the exam..
Today was Sibling Start day at St. Jude. My mom brought Ella down and Erik and I were able to spend some great time with Ella. As expected, the Child Life staff at St. Jude and the Volunteens did a wonderful job today. There was no stone left unturned when it came to making the siblings feel like superstars! They even had a red carpet for the kids to walk down.
When we got done, Erik took Ella up to the room and she and Lucy curled up on the couch and watched a movie together. Lucy had been asking for her sister all day so I think she really enjoyed this time with her. When it was time for Ella to leave, Amanda and I went back to the room and this is what happened..
Lucy was one tired little girl. This was around 2:30 and she has not been up since (except for a fun period of medicine taking and pottying). My sweet sister brought us a homemade meal and it was wonderful. She sat and watched Lucy sleep while Erik and I had a date night in the family nutrition room. Tacos and Food Network Star. Romantic, right? Then we came back in the room and finished this 1000 piece puzzle we started last night. So much for catching up on my 2010 blog posts.
Just last week I sent out 382 thank you notes. I have more than 100 more that I am working on right now. There is no way I will remember everyone and so many of you who sent gifts, cards, money or food in the very beginning weeks at LeBonheur probably did not get written down. I just want to say thank you again for the outpouring of love and support that you all have sent our way.
I would be remiss if I did not say thank you to the following people today. My sister for dinner, my mom for bringing Ella to us, the Hunt family for the yummy snacks, my friend Jackie and her dance studio for the wonderful gifts and Erik's family for taking care of Ella and Jack this week.
We feel so blessed and consider ourselves eternally grateful for what you all have done. And while we might not ever get the chance to pay you back personally, please know that our goal in life, once Lucy is well, is to find a way to pay forward what has been done to us on a grand scale. God is preparing us for a great calling. I just pray that we will be still and listen as He reveals his plan for Lucy and our family.