This is where I beg your understanding. I have read each and every comment made on my blog. Each and every one has made such a difference and has meant so much to me. I still can't believe that so many strangers and friends would care so much about Lucy and her journey to beat cancer. And I thank you all for taking the time to send me uplifting and encouraging messages. BUT...I am going to not be able to respond like I wished. All the comments will stay on the blog but I am going to delete the reminders in my email inbox that tells me they are there.
Everytime I open my inbox and see 1026 messages it sends a panic through my body. It's as if there are 1026 uncompleted tasks in my life right now. For a type-A person like myself this is sheer torture.
I will continue to read every comment and hopefully now that I am starting with a fresh slate, I will be able to respond when necessary. So many of you just want to let me know you are praying for Lucy and my family. For that I am eternally grateful. Others have specific requests or questions and I will try my best to respond when I can.
IF YOU SENT A REQUEST before that needed my attention or an answer, you will need to send the message again. I hope you understand.
Even still, I beg you to never stop praying for my Lucy. Her journey has only begun and I am convinced God is hearing the prayers of his children. What a mighty testimony Lucy will be for Him WHEN he heals her. That is the Hope, Faith and Belief I am clinging to now. It's all I've got.
I think we can all understand that no problem. For me, on my own now private blog, I simply read the comments and appreciated them without feeling that they had to be returned. I think most of us if not all of us totally understand. Your first priority is to your family, and emailing us doesn't even need to be on your radar. Let yourself off the hook and just plan on having a big "Lucy prayer warrior" reunion in Heaven when Jesus takes us there someday. Until then, just know we are praying for you guys.
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely absolutely absolutely fine!! :)
ReplyDeleteI have been following your blog for awhile now and TOTALLY understand!!! Isn't it good to know you have so many unknown friends that love and pray for you. Don't worry...we won't stop! :) Take care of your babies and keep on keeping on...Lucy needs her momma. :)
ReplyDeleteI know that I speak for everyone following your blog: no replies are necessary. We just want you ALL to know that we continue to wrap you in our prayers & our hearts & our hope, that whether we are family or friends or strangers, your story touches & changes us. Praying for healing for Lucy along with strength & comfort for all of you. GO LUCY GO!
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to reply to comments. :) I know many, many blogs that I go to that the owners do not reply. I promise I will not stop praying for Lucy, God has placed her in my heart and I will pray until she is released from cancer and even then I will continue to pray for your sweet girl.
I can imagine the overwhelming feeling of having over 1000 emails to read! That is crazy!
Praying and praying,
NEVER NEVER feel guilty or feel that you have to apologize for that. Anyone who doesn't understand how busy your life is and that you need to concentrate on your family has a problem, not you. I send you messages to uplift you, not expecting a response. That is also why I have not friend requested you on Facebook, I figured you have hundreds of those too. Anyway, I pray for Lucy every single day. And her mommy, daddy, brother, sister, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc... I could not imagine what each of you could be going through. P.S.-I understand the type-a personality because I AM one! LOL! Love and hugs........and prayers, Donna Cook Turnage
ReplyDeleteI try to check in on y'all everyday and continue to pray for Lucy, her family and all of her caretakers. However, I've never even thought you needed to say anything back to me...I just want you to know that even though we will never meet, I care about what your going through and send ((((HUGS))) by the dozens! and prayers too!
ReplyDeleteSpend your time with your family - that is what is important! Lots of love and prayers for you!
ReplyDeleteGod WILL bless you. You do what you need to do for your family and little Lucy and those of us following will certainly understand your importance of saving your time and energy for them alone.
ReplyDeleteTotally understandable considering everything that you have going on. I don't think anyone should expect you to return every single message. We all just want you to know that we are here praying for Lucy and your family. You do what you need to do and let everything else handle itself.
ReplyDeleteKate, we leave comments to encourage you and let you know that we are praying for your Lucy. Your only job is to take care of Lucy. We are here to support you. Don't you even worry about not responding. Free yourself from that so that you might be able to focus on all that you need to. Praying for your family every day.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine that anyone would be upset with your decision. Your focus must be on Lucy and the rest of your family at this time. I hope that the comments will bring you encouragement and messages of support, and not be a tool of discouragement to you. Thank you so much for sharing Lucy's story and letting those of us who are strangers join in praying for your precious little girl.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure everyone will glady understand..I know I do. Noone expects anything in return from you but updates on sweet Lucy so we know how she is doing and what specfic prayers she needs. Can't wait to see the update that she is HEALED and all our prayers came true! :) Continued love and prayers to you all!
ReplyDeleteMay God continue to bless Lucy and your beautiful family. Heaven knows Lucy is and should be your foremost concern. I can only speak for myself, but it makes me happy, just to know that you are aware of all of us "prayer warriors" out here, praying for healing for Lucy. Oh, what a beautiful day of celebration it will be when Lucy is well, and we are all testament to her recovery. It is an extreme pleasure to pray for your sweet girl (and family), and I know God hears them all. Stay focused in the moment,and continue to take one step at a time. "Go Lucy Go!"
ReplyDeleteA Mom-Mom in NJ
Bless your sweet heart Kate. None of us expect a reply from you. We are here for you! This should be the LEAST of your worries and stress. You just let us do what we can by praying for you all and posting encouraging words. You just keep being the exceptional loving Mom that you are to Lucy. We will do the rest! We have your back sweetie. God bless you all.
ReplyDeleteI truly believe everyone understands that you can't response to all the comments left here. I will continue to pray for Lucy and your entire family!
ReplyDeleteBless your heart - I can't even believe you're apoligizing for that! I hope you can let the comments lift you up and support you with no strings attached. When Lucy's all better, I imagine you'll pay it forward!
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking you were the only one that ever thought that was realistic:) The rest of were just commenting because it makes us feel we are doing something. It's wonderful how this WWW connects all these human spirits, with NO prejudices or expectations. So relieve yourself and don't apologize!
ReplyDeleteYou have enough on your plate, and you should not worry about anything except your family. Please keep us updated as you can and we will most certainly continue lifting you all up in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteI listen to the XM Christian radio station almost 24/7 and I heard this song on the radio today for the first time. I immediately thought of you and your family. The lyrics are so powerful:
ReplyDeleteA few weeks ago you posted a poem on your blog called "Wait" and I shared it with a dear friend who had long been receiving this answer to a prayer. She loved it and I wanted to thank you for sharing it.
I hope the lyrics to this song will speak to you and bring you comfort. I continue to pray for you and Lucy.
You should put all of your attention to your precious family. Everyone who follows your blog will understand 100%. And we will NEVER stop praying for sweet Lucy. Well wishes and prayers are being sent every day:)
ReplyDeleteYou do not need to trouble yourself over not being able to respond to comments. People just want you to know they care, are praying for you and your family, and hope that a comment, card, etc brighten your day. You are a remarkable woman and I am so inspired by your blog and your steadfast faith. Just keep blogging and taking care of your family and yourself. If you need anything at all, just send out a request. I know your needs will be met and people want to help. Just let us know if you need anything in addition to daily and continual prayer.
Kate, don't worry about that!! I think everyone understands that it's just too overwhelming even trying to reply to everyone.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of those strangers and I even live on the other side of the globe (almost). I found your blog through another blog and what happened to Lucy really touched my heart. I'm a nurse and work with adult cancer patients, and it is so heartbreaking that this horrible disease also happen to little kids, it's terrible enough when adults are affected. I read your blog every day and Lucy and you all remain in my prayers. Sending hugs all the way from Sweden!
Perfectly fine, your family comes first! Just wanted to let you know we are all thinking about her and wishing you all the best=)
ReplyDeleteTotally understandable. It's awesome that so many people are praying for Lucy and your family. Count me as one of them.
ReplyDeleteOmigosh - you've been answering all of the comments? Yikes! We totally totally understand that you have more important things to do! Please don't think for a minute that we will slack off on praying for all of you! Lucy and her mom inspire us every day, whether you provide updates or not. You express what's on your heart in such a beautiful way - so sorry that your world has turned upside down!!
ReplyDeleteI can't even imagine anyone even feeling like you would have time or should respond...your number 1 priority is your sweet family! I think this is my first comment, but please know that I have been praying for Lucy and will continue to do so! I appreciate you just taking the time to keep us posted! You guys hang in there!!!
I've been reading (and praying!) for several weeks now. I don't think anyone expects you to respond to the comments! Will continue to pray for all 5 of you. :)
ReplyDeleteKate - I don't know you at all, but I don't think one single person would expect you to respond. Please don't beat yourself up about it at all. The amount of time you give to sharing yourself and your family is way beyond what most could handle, so responding to posts is not expected or needed. And you don't need to respond to have us pray for Lucy and your family. That's just a given. We wouldn't be here if we didn't want to pray for you and your dear family. Keep doing what you need to do for Lucy and we'll keep up the prayers. Deal?
ReplyDeleteWe completely understand that you can't reply to every comment. We really apprecitate you having this blog and sharing this experience with us so we could pray for your special little girl. She has touched alot of hearts and especially my family. We love all of you and are thankful for the words that you write in this blog. May God bless you and your family.
ReplyDeleteOh sweet Kate...I "get" what you are asking as a fellow type A person...but you didn't even need to type those words. We are praying for your sweet Lucy and your amazing family because we are being called's not to be replied to, thanked, or recognized in any way. Keep your focus on Lucy...with your strength from the Lord and know you have an army of prayer warriors behind Lucy (and you)...always! :) Hugs!
ReplyDeleteLindsay Keegan
Wouldn't expect anything more (or less)!!! Praying for Lucy and the whole family! :)
ReplyDeleteNO PRESSURE! I feel guilty leaving a comment because you have to approve it. And take some time to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your family. Hugs to you all, and lots of prayers too.
Hugs (and lots of them!) to you
Hi Kate! I have never left a comment before - I found your blog through Kelly's Korner and have been reading about Lucy's diagnosis since the beginning and have been sending up prayers for her ever since. I have a little girl the same age and to be honest I think she looks a little like Lucy and it steals my breath every time I look at Lucy and think "this could be my daughter." My own mother's heart breaks for yours.
ReplyDeleteI don't think anyone in their right mind would expect you to reply to that many comments. It's enough for me to take the time to leave the comment knowing you will read it and feel a bit of comfort knowing that is one more prayer sent up for your little girl today.
Bless you, Lucy and your entire family on this long journey. I'm praying for healing and and a full life of happiness for your sweet girl.
Leah I.
i gave up trying to respond to people years ago :) it was impossible...everyone understands and would never expect a reply...we'll never stop praying for your Lucy :) kristi
ReplyDeleteI'm just a follower of your blog and a prayer warrior for Lucy. No responses are expected or needed. Just keep doing what you are doing and keep us posted on Lucy, be specific about what you want us to pray for (as you have been doing), and let us know if you need anything!
Love in Christ,
Amy Deer
Oh, honey, I can't believe you even thought of replying to everyone. What a sweet, thoughtful idea, but please! It never occurred to me that you would even feel you had to respond. Don't worry yourself about that one little bit. You take care of Lucy and yourself and the rest of that sweet little family. I just appreciate that you are letting us know what's going on with all of this. Pleeeeease don't feel like you have to do anything for us. In fact, as the above commenter noted, since you have to approve these comments, I think I will comment as little as possible. But please know that I am praying for all of you many times a day, as are all the commenters here.
ReplyDeleteKate...I have not met you but I have left a couple of comments and never once did I expect a reply. I don't think anyone would...I am completely type A too so I understand your stress but do not stress. No one cares...or definitely should not care. Just put your efforts towards Lucy.
ReplyDeleteNow delete this notice from your inbox so that you don't think of this message again :).
Prayers to Lucy and the entire family.
I am sure that everyone who responds on here wants to be a blessing to your family and NOT a burden! Your priority is to your family first! Never feel guilty about not responding! Praying!
ReplyDeleteAs everyone else here expressed, I also have never expected a reply from you. We want to be a comfort to you and to hold you up during this unbelieveably hard time. We all love Lucy and are praying for her complete recovery. Your updates are what I look forward to everyday. I love how honest you are, your words are priceless, raw and real and anyone with an ounce of empathy couldn't help but join us in supporting you. Put your mind at ease and know that we are all here praying for Lucy, you and the whole family. Jodi
I haven't read all the responses but I suspect I will be saying the same thing you need all your energies to look after your family and dear, precious Lucy.
ReplyDeleteI will not stop reading your blog nor the will the prayers and thoughts stop, either. if anything, my prayers for you and yours will be stronger: to pray for stamina and grace; His grace.
ReplyDeleteI am sure I am not alone in assuring you that each comment is intended to bring some small degree of comfort or help. The last thing any of us want is for you to feel you have one more thing on your plate.
One of the most important things you can do to take care of your beautiful girl is to take care of yourself. May you continue to feel the power to let go of things you feel obligated to do.
oops, it just crossed my mind that the bold type good for you in my previous post may come off as sarcastic. It is not. I mean it. I have a horrible time letting go of things I feel I should do. I can only imagine how hard it was to let go of the need to respond to everything. I am proud of you!
ReplyDeleteYour readers completly understand. You and your family are pouring your whole life into Lucy's fight right now. Rest in the fact that you have an entire army of people believing for healing with you for Lucy.
ReplyDeleteBe blessed.
We totally understand!! My daughter would like to send some of her "Brainbows" to Lucy. I had mentioned that she had a craniotomy in Jan 2010 to remove an AVM. She is now selling hair bows to raise money for the AVM and Aneurysm foundation. She would like to send Lucy a gift of some bows with a couple of webbed stretchy headbands to look and feel beautiful even after losing hair. If you are interested, please let us know how to get them to you. No hurry, and if you aren't interested, that's OK too! You can email You can also find Brainbows on facebook if you want to see what they look like. We continue to pray...
ReplyDeleteWe will never stop praying. A comment back was never wanted or needed. All of us....strangers, family, and friends are here to give you and your family strength. As a fellow believer....we are called to help carry burdens our our sisters and brothers in Christ. I can't do much from so far away and I don't even know you but I can pray and God can hear our prayers for healing for sweet Lucy. God bless girl....and so glad you deleted those message...that had to be overwhelming. :)
ReplyDeleteType A Personalities unite !! When I read your post I had to laugh.. even though I have necer meet you I know that you are a wonderful person , who worrys about others long before she worrries about her self,, but dont those who follow your post have loved your family forever or have fallen in love with your family recently and TOTALLY understand and want you to spend every moment you have loving and tending to your family. We will contine to pray for and think of your family everyday