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Third Time a Charm?

We reported to St. Jude this morning at 8am.  We are waiting on Lucy's CD34 number to determine if we will be doing Apheresis today.  I am dreading every minute of it, but I just want to get it over with.  I had huge plans of uploading pictures of our last few days and doing some posts.  Well...that would have been possible only with my camera in tow.  Oh, well. 

We are praying with all our heart that this third time will complete all of the harvesting necessary for her last 2 chemotherapy treatments.  It's such a hard day for Lucy and I am sick about having to tell her.  The last time we did this she woke up from sedation hysterical.  We are going to try to keep her fairly sedated today for her sake. 

Ugh...I hate today.
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  1. Praying for all of you today! Praying for her healing and comfort coming out of sedation. Praying for your peace and strength that you need to help her through this.

  2. Praying for good day for Lucy and you,too. Kate, I don't post a lot, but you and your family are on my mind and in our prayers daily. Wade and I loved the picture of Lucy in Mr. Coy's lap! We think the world of all of you! We have been blessed with some pretty awesome landlords!

  3. Praying for you and Lucy as always. Hoping that you get enough harvested for the last 2 rounds as well. Poor Lucy has endured enough.

  4. I hope it goes better today! I'm praying! I feel so bad for her having to go through all this! The Lord is with her, though and knows what she needs! Praying for y'all multiple times a day! Praying with you that this one is the last for the last 2 treatments!

    GO LUCY GO!!!


  5. I am SO sorry that both Lucy and you have to endure (and dread...) this day. My heart goes out to you as I KNOW that you are most likely very mentally and physically exhausted. Hold fast to God; only HE is able to sustain you during this time. As always...Praying for you all!
