1. Lucy pooped. Yes, that's what I said. Lucy had a BM. She will be horribly embarrassed by this one day but it was a BIG deal today. She screamed for almost 4 hours today and was in misery. So bad that the color was drained from her face, her legs shook and she was nauseated. Erik was about to come unglued if someone did not do something. I mean, seriously, they did brain surgery but could not help some constipation. Eventually, she got some relief and her whole disposition changed. It was awesome!
2. Lucy got a visit from a therapy dog.
3. I opened mail for what seemed like hours and Lucy, Erik and I were inundated by sweet cards from all over the country. Florida, Missouri, California, Indiana. We were amazed. Let me tell you now that I read each and every one of them and wish so badly that i could thank you all personally. I still have a huge stack to go through and I hope to get to those soon. I opened one package today and Lucy received this shirt from Luna B. Tee. It says "God is so much bigger than cancer!" AMEN!!!! Thank you to whomever sent this to me. I love it and I will be ordering one in my size!
4. My Mom, Dad and Jack came to Memphis tonight to pick up Ella from my sister's house. They had originally planned to visit us, but I called them off around 3:30 because Lucy was having such a bad day. After she had the aforementioned BM, she was a little ray of sunshine and I was able to catch my parents and they brought the kids up to visit.
The picture of Ella and Lucy was extra special to me tonight. Lucy has given Ella the cold shoulder the last few times she visited. I was worried Lu was taking out some pent up frustration on her sister. But all seemed well tonight and I am a happy mom.
5. Comic relief provided by Erik. Our window shade fell down and the outside lights are so bright that it had to be fixed. ***Just because you work at a construction company, does not mean you are an engineer!***
No negativity tonight. Praising God for a bad day that turned into a peaceful, happy night. Thank you Jesus for the small blessings.
Praying for your sweet Lucy all the way from South Korea!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you're posting the good things :) And while I'm sure that she will be embarrassed that you shared her BM, I'm sure she won't mind it that much! Still lifting Lucy up in prayers and thinking about her and your family!
ReplyDeleteI was worried about exactly what happened. Morphine causes very bad constipation as do many pain killers. So happy that she got relief and had a good visit with her sister and brother. Thinking about you and Lucy throughout the day and stop to pray each time.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the BM, Lucy!! You are looking so good and strong! Keep it up! GO LUCY GO!!!
ReplyDeleteYay Lucy!!! You are doing so great, keep up the good work! I hope that the rest of your night is peaceful :) You all are always in my prayers and thoughts
ReplyDeleteThird time posting.....if anyone can get in touch with the family personally please pass my number
ReplyDeleteOn 901-857-9995. I am Amber & daughter Cierra
Has a special gift to give to Lucy! I go back to work Monday & trying to catch them before they switch
To St. jude......thanks!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePraise God for even the little things! Go Lucy!!
ReplyDeleteSo happy that you are posting any small positive thing, no matter how small it may seem or how major it is. It can sometimes be such great help to just write one positive thing down. I continue to check in multiple times a day to see how Lucy is doing, and constantly think about her and your family. Prayers continuing your way from all of my family. Go Lucy Go!!!
ReplyDeleteKate, I agree with The Liebe's thankyou for keeping us all updated on Lucy. That picture of Erik is priceless LOL Glad that Ella and Jack got to come out and see Lucy! Praying for your family and the other families at the hospital.
ReplyDeleteGlad Lucy ended up having a better day. She reminds me soo much of the little girl I watch who was born the day after Lucy, same year. They look similar to me and Isabella has gone through some struggles of her own. She was born a premie a little over 2lbs and survived quite some time in the NICU. I know Lucy can overcome her struggles as well. These little ones are strong, it amazes me.
ReplyDeleteLove the sweet picture of your two precious daughters!!
ReplyDeleteOur prayers continue to be with your entire family!
The Quarles Family
David, Lori and Wilson
"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid."
ReplyDeleteHebrews 13, 5-6.
Hehe! I needed a laugh! Erik in the window...that's too funny ;)
ReplyDeleteI was embarrassed when I realized that I had dropped Lucy's shirt in the mail without the card!! I would love to mail you one as well if you let me know what size you wear. Just email me at knoxkd at gmail dot com. I have a dear friend that was diagnosed with breast cancer and all she wanted was a t-shirt to wear to chemo to remind herself and others that God is SO MUCH BIGGER than cancer!! The idea took off and we have enjoyed sharing the shirts with as many people as we can as an encouragement during their darkest days!! We have a few other designs if you want something different just let me know!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea! Writing down happy things must lift your spirits tremendously. It's OK to vent when you need to also. Emotional rollercoasters require it! So thankful that God answered prayers and gave you some smiles today.
ReplyDeleteJoan Hanks
I constantly think and pray for you and your family and,of course, Lucy throughout the day. Life is and continues to be so unfair, but your faith in God is so inspiring. It is so good to hear any positive news from Lucy. Go Lucy!!
ReplyDeleteMarty Simmons
Yayy! So glad to hear the GOOD news! Glad Miss Lucy had some relief and you got to visit with Ella and Jack. Praying for your family every day!
ReplyDeleteA friend posted a link to your blog on Facebook last week and I have been following Lucy's story ever since. I have a 3 year old and an 18 month old. It's unimaginable what y'all have been going through. I am so in awe of your faith and courage. The Krull family is constantly my thoughts and prayers. I have relayed your story to my friends and family so you have even more people praying for your beautiful little girl! God Bless and Go Lucy Go!!!
I have a friend that has shared your story with our Moms Club here in Ohio (Elizabeth Port). We are all praying for your little one. I wanted to share with you what my aunt shared with me while her husband was under going chemo treatments and was feeling at his worst physically and emotionally. I believe it's called Healing Touch. The way she explained it to me is a person administers light touch at all points of the body from head to toe and at each point stopped to say a prayer (Our Father). She was amazed by the relief and peace it brought to both her and my uncle. Perhaps you can inquire about it at your local church, hospital or perhaps St. Judes can help you. You seem like a family with a deep faith and perhaps this will help not only Lucy but you and your family as well. I hope this has a happy and healthy outcome soon. God Bless you all and know that strangers are even praying for her.
Kate, Lucy, Ella, Jack and Dad:
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy because Lucy had a good day! I hope that this type of days become in everyday.
THis is the first time I read your blog, and I promise I'll pray everyday for her and all of you.
You are really strong people that deserve the best, and I'm sure God will help you.
I just want to trasmite to you a lot of energy to continue with this hard process. I'm sure everything will be all rigth, maybe it take some time but it will happen.
Don't loose your faith, God will listen to all our prayers,and Lucy will get well and will have the great life she deserves.
All my prayers are with you Kate and your husband and with your three kids! God bless you!
A big hug, and lot of love from Uruguay!
Ha, Ha! Great post. What a wonderful idea to keep track of all the victories you guys have. I know it must be hard to find the joy in some of these difficult days.
ReplyDeleteI smiled while reading about Lucy's "poop" experience. I was reminded of the time we babysat Ella and you were disgusted with yourself when you dropped her off at my house and realized you forgot her Miralax! But of course, we were fully stocked on that stuff and was able to give her some that night. HA HA. Sounds like Lucy needed a huge dose. Hopefully, one day she will laugh about that episode...even though it wasn't funny while it was happening. So glad the second part of her day was happy!
Praying daily -- for Lucy's healing and that the timing of your transition to St. Jude will be perfect. One day you will understand why you seem to be in this "holding pattern". Until then, know that we are praying for a peace and comfort for your entire family.
Love you all.
Julie Walker
Kate - pulled a book off my shelf that might be help and comfort to you. It's called The Power of Patience by M.J. Ryan. It was recommended to me as I, too, am not the most patient person in teh whole world. In particular, I wanted to share a passage with you...
ReplyDeleteCancer survivor and bicycling champion Lance Armstrong puts it this way: "The truth is that cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me ... When I was sick, I saw more beauty and triumph and truth in a single day than I ever did in a bike race... The one thing the illness has covinced me of beyond all doubt, more than any experience i've had as an athlete, is that we are much better than we know. We have unrealized capacities that sometimes only emerge in crisis."
(from M.J. Ryan) - None of us wants to have to suffer through physical, emotional, or spiritual hardships. But when such trials do come - and they most likely will, for each life has its measure of sorrow - we have two choices: to rail endlessly against what is happening or to experieince our feelings of sorrow, fear, and anger, then engage our patience and allow the challenge to grow our souls.
Kate, I don't know if you realize it, but by sharing your pain, you are helping everyone touched by your family to grow our souls. Please take care and keep the faith, and we'll keep praying.
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through another blog and have been more than blessed by reading your loving words. My heart hurts for your family. I have four kids and cannot imagine watching them go through something like this. In our worship service today, all I could think of was your family. We sang Our God, the words Our God is greater, Our God is stronger, God you are Higher than any other, Our God is Healer, awesome in power, Our God. Lucy's sweet face kept going through my mind with these words. God is bigger, stronger and greater than any disease or trouble we may face. Praying you feel God's peace and promises today.
What a BM will do! Make a bad day go into a good day! Good for you, Lucy! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the updates on Lucy. Sending UP prayers everyday!
Today, I taught a different Sunday School Class and again asked for prayer for precious Lucy. I used the words from the song, "You Raise Me Up." Somehow, God will raise you up to more than you ever thought you could be and we all pray Lucy will be healed. You stay on my heart in the night and through the days. We are raising you up and will continue to do so. God be close. Cynthia
ReplyDeleteHi! You guys don't know me, but our Sunday School class at Covington Assembly has been lifting you up in prayer daily! Your family is definitely in my prayers and God is using your faith to inspire and challenge people literally around this country! May God give you strength that you need each and every day through this process!
ReplyDelete-Katie Roberson
Kate, So thankful to be able to catch up since Friday on your blog...I have no internet on my phone (how outdated, right??) and I am moving my sister from Indiana to Wisconsin and just now sat down to catch up! So thankful to see the picture of Lucy and Ella hugging. We will be praying for that connection to stay strong! Keep it up Momma!!! You are doing an awesome job!
ReplyDeleteI'm praying for you, sweet Lucy and your whole family everyday. So glad Lucy had a good day yesterday. I pray for more of those good days to come! GO LUCY GO!
ReplyDeleteKate, I heard about your story through Twitter, and I've been riveted ever since. Please know that you have so many people thinking of your sweet family and your darling girl. I will keep you all in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you all have had some joyful moments this weekend! God is working in you & through you, and we are praying for Lucy's healing daily with faith that it WILL COME!
ReplyDeleteI just started reading your blog this weekend. My family in KY is praying for healing for your sweet Lucy. Praying that God gives you, Erik and Lucy peace and comfort as you all plan and get ready for this battle. Oh how I love that shirt. Our God is sooooo much bigger than that ol ugly cancer. I know we shall never met but please know as your sister in Christ there are many people around the world praying for your sweet angel to be made perfect again. CANCER FREE!!! Believing always in Mark 11:24 Therefore whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received it and it shall be yours. I believe this cancer is beaten!!! Prayers and love, Rhea Anne
ReplyDeletePraying for Lucy!!
ReplyDeleteI sent you an e-mail, too.
We are praying for your sweet Lucy, praying for you, your hubby and your other sweet children!!!
ReplyDeleteAgain I continue to pray for Lucy and your family, this is really such an eye opener to know that this life cannot be taken for granted. Please know that your story has renewed my sense in believing there is a God and that prayers are more powerful than we know. Best wishes!
ReplyDeleteKate, you mention how you don't understand why Lucy isn't healing so that she can go to St. Jude. Well, we have a little friend who was recently trying to get into a trial. However, he kept failing to get accepted because his platelets were not in range. When he failed for the 3rd time, his parents were devastated. However, when he failed the 3rd time, it prompted his medical team to do a few more tests. They did a new scan, and his tumors had shrunk between the time he applied for the study and the time of his denial. I am telling you this because if he had been accepted like his parents wanted a couple of months earlier, they wouldn't have done the new scans. The new scans showed them the treatment that was going to heal him. Please hang in there. My son is a patient at St. Jude, and although his issues are with bone marrow failure, we know what it's like to want things to happen in our own time. I am an impatient momma, too. But sometimes, if we move too fast, we miss things that we needed to see along the way. Keeping you in our thoughts.
Kate, just up and praying for Lucy and your family. Praying God's healing hands upon her and his strength and peace for all of you. I don't think an hour goes by these days that I don't think about you all and say a prayer for you each time Lucy comes to my mind. Praying God's love and blessing to rain down upon you all!!