Lucy and Erik and I covet your continued prayers and I want to say "thank you" for all of the encouraging and kind comments. I would love to respond to every one of them, but there is just no way. Not right now. Lucy wants me beside her almost all of the time. So, while I can read them while I am holding her hand, there is just no way to respond. I know you all understand, but I want to tell you I AM reading them and they mean everything to me. It does my soul good to hear so many people are praying for Lucy and my heart soars when I realize how many people BELIEVE she will be healed. I know God is speaking through each of you to give our family strength when we need it most.
And on another note.......
Dang! I love these kiddos!
ReplyDeleteIf you need anything, I don't care how insignificant, remember I can be there in 10 minutes anytime during the day. You all have every moment of prayer i can give. May God grant you all the strength and wisdom he gave Job. Always on my mind
Hi Kate! I found your blog via another friend's blog. We are in Krakow, Poland and I am praying for your little Lucy as well as you and Erik, Ella and Jack. Your faith has blessed me so much and made me look at my children differently. I also have a 7 year old Ella. Please know that we are lifting your family up to the great Physician as well as the mighty Comforter. Rest in His arms. Blessings...Angela
ReplyDeleteKeep the faith Kate! You are doing amazing! Lucy is lucky to have such amazing parents!
ReplyDeleteKate - you are a blessing and an inspiration to all mothers/fathers. GO LUCY GO! I have posted many of your updates on our bulletin in an effort to have others pray for your family! Sending your family many hugs and love!
ReplyDeleteTina Anne - Eads, TN
Oh.My.Goodness. Those baby boy cheeks!! Thanks for keeping us all so informed, I think about Lucy a lot and God is doing great things through her already. Give her a hug for all of us thinking about her, and squeeze those cheeks for me :)
ReplyDeleteStill praying everyday for your Lucy! When people come into my business and ask about my bow.. I share Lucy's story with them. I ask everyone I know to pray for you all and her healing! I hope she continues to rest. Love to you all!
ReplyDeleteOhhhh, I had that bouncer with my kids. Seeing your sweet little man in it makes me smile as a flood of memories comes to mind of my own kids whiling away the time in their bouncer watching mom work or watching the world pass by.
ReplyDeletePraying for your family and for sweet Lucy!
May God lift you up in the shelter of His arms.
I started reading your blog through a friend's facebook page and just want you to know I am praying for you, Lucy and the rest of your family. Just heard the shout out from Josh Pastner on the radio show, he mentioned Lucy and asked for prayers!
ReplyDeletePraying for Lucy... we had a very, very similar experience in January... brought my 4 yr old to urgent care because she was lethargic, and in the OICU within a few hours.
ReplyDeleteBTDT, the first few weeks are overwhelming, but I promise it gets more manageable soon! I'm sure you have tons of support, but if you'd like to compare notes (sometimes it helps!), my email is in my profile!
Thanking God for answered prayers for rest for you all today. Our bodies must be replenished just as our souls. I know you feel the prayers of God's people surrounding you. Your faith is an inspiration and you are so much stronger than you know right now. Thank you for sharing your story as heart wrenching as it is. You are reaching so many for God's kingdom. This is a perfect example of God working ALL things together for good...God bless you each and every minute of every day..and all of your precious beautiful children.
ReplyDeleteWe are praying for Lucy and all of your family from Florida. God is the GREAT PHYSICIAN and we are claiming victory over this cancer. Lucy is blessed to have you and Erik as her parents. Keep leaning on God for He will never let you down.
ReplyDeleteGO LUCY GO
my heart is sad for you kate and erik i pray for you every day i cry every time i open this page i wish our babys would never know pain but never give up god will take care of your baby girl so glad to see her smile...prayers and love, from sparta,tennessee
ReplyDelete“Everything in the heavens and earth is yours, O Lord … we adore you as being in control of everything.” 1 Chronicles 29:11 (LB)
ReplyDeleteWe continue to pray for Lucy.
So glad Kelly's Korner sent us to your blog to join in prayer! Hang in there, Kate! God is so much bigger than this! I fall asleep praying for your family and Lucy is the first thing I think of in the morning. Praying for you in Alabama! Claiming victory in the name of our Savior! By His stripes, we are HEALED!
ReplyDeleteLucy and your family are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. She is such a beautiful, brave and inspiring little girl! I can't imagine how hard this is for you rigt now, but just keep staying positive! I feel with all my heart that everything will be ok, and that going through this experience will make you and your family so much stronger.
ReplyDeleteLove, Lauren
We are praying for all of you!!
ReplyDeleteGo Lucy Go!!!
The Quarles Family
David, Lori and Wilson
We continue to check back daily,hourly & whenever I get the opportunity to, on
ReplyDeleteLucy:) I pray every chance I get for the sweet girl. God works in mysterious ways& I know he hears our cry. I don't know y'all & might never meet her BUT we are a family through the lord & we are all coming together to pray for your family. Feel better today Lucy, & I pray the lord heals your back:)
Praying for you and your sweet Lucy...praying for Ella and Jack...praying for the dr.'s. Lord, I come to you now praying for sweet Lucy. I ask Lord that you would heal her body from this nasty disease cancer. I pray that you would do a miracle in her life. I pray for the dr.'s as they work with the Krull family. I pray you would guide their every decision. Lord, I also pray specifically for Ella and Jack. I ask that you would give them the comfort they need during this time. You know what each one needs at this very moment. I pray for Kate and Erik. Lord, I thank you for them. For their testimony. I pray you can cover them with your feathers as you promise is psalm 91:4: "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." Lord, be with this family each and every minute so they can get through this valley and claim your Holy name when they reach the mountain top and sweet Lucy is healthy! I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.
ReplyDeleteMuch love and prayers...
Lindsay Keegan
So glad you have time to enjoy together without major interruptions. We are praying for Lucy and you guys as well. She is a fighter (she has already proved that) and with St. Jude's help and the best doctor/healer in the universe she can be healed! :)
ReplyDeleteYes, all 3 of your kiddos are absolutely adorable! We send prayers & love to ALL of you! So thankful you & Erik have each other, and that you were all able to rest today. May God continue to keep you strong in your faith, hope, courage, and love for one another :)
ReplyDeleteI am praying for little Lucy and for the entire family. I know from a personal experience with my grandson, Austin, exactly what you are going through. Just have faith that God is sitting right there beside you as you hold Lucy's hand. She is lifted up in prayers by more than you can ever imagine. GO Lucy GO!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a rollercoaster ride of emotion you all had to endure yesterday. So,so grateful that it was all a mistake. Praise God! I will be going to Covington on Tuesday to get my "Go Lucy Go" bracelet and T-shirt while I visit with Brandi and the boys before their move. If you need anything I will be happy to help in any way that I can while I'm there or to bring you anything on my way back to Memphis. I feel that I know you through Brandi and your blog and it would be my pleasure to help you and your family.Just email me at Lucy is becoming quite the local celebrity and I find it so heart warming to see the community come together for Lucy's healing and well-being. You have such a precious family and I pray throughout the day for God to watch over all of them and to give Lucy a clean bill of health and to give you and Erik peace of mind. And please don't feel that you have to answer the comments. Your focus is to be on Lucy and her care. We just want to show our support and give you our prayers.
ReplyDeleteThe prayers continue from Elgin, Illinois. LOVE that sweet picture of your Lucy. She is constantly in my thoughts and prayers. My family got a miracle with my uncle this past fall - head injury and bleeding on the brain and brain surgery. He is our walking, talking, singing miracle - back to 100 percent - and I let God know Lucy needs one of those miracles too. Take care and God bless.
ReplyDeleteHi Kate. I found your blog through Baby Bennett's and have been praying for Lucy and your family ever since. I have a 5 year old son, and my heart just hurts reading about this trial on your baby girl. May God shine his Love and his Light on your Lucy and all of your beautiful family. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteHi, Kate. My name is Carole and I live in Murfreesboro TN. I have been following your blog since last week. I have been praying for Lucy. I wanted to ask if it would be ok to post a link to your blog on Facebook? It never hurts to have too many prayer warriors. Thanks for sharing your story with everyone.
ReplyDeleteMy family has been praying for your little girl. My little girl, McKayla, made a card and put it in the mail for Lucy the other day. She prays for her a lot.
ReplyDeleteLots of love and hugs to your family!
I heard about your story through several of my friends. I began to follow your blog and was truly inspired by your faith. I was reading today and this verse made me think of you.
ReplyDelete"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when ever you face trials of may kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." James 1:2-3
Apparently, you're developing tons of perseverance right now! :/ I hate that you're family is going through this, but I know that God has never stopped loving you or your family for even one second during this whole experience, and that gives me hope.
I heard about Lucy through another friend's blog. I live in Rockville, Maryland, and I am a kindergarten teacher. Your daughter is precious, and I am praying for her and for you and your family. May you continue to feel God's love and presence as Lucy fights this battle. It is my prayer that He will bring her complete healing.
ReplyDeleteA friend shared your blog with me and the two of us have been praying non-stop for you and your family! It is amazing to me how much you and your family have been on my mind... incredible that someone I've never met could be on my mind so much. I have a 6-year old daughter and a 4-year old son and I just simply cannot imagine what you are going through. God is a good and living God. I'll keep praying that he heals Lucy (and quickly, too :)) and that he'll give you and your family the strength and faith you need to fight this battle. Much, much love from complete strangers in Kentucky. :)
ReplyDeleteSimilarly, I read your/Lucy's story through a friend's link. I went back to February and read through to today, and cried along with you. I'm sure you don't know how powerful your words are, and I can hear you speaking straight from your heart. I also have three children, and when they walked in today from school, I hugged them all a little tighter and reminded myself that they are only mine to borrow, and then thanked God for entrusting them to me. I too have prayed for you all day, every other moment you're on my mind. I'm sure I'll be awake at some point tonight, and if you are too...maybe it will give you peace to know you aren't alone. We have just begun this Lenten season and we know that at the end of 40 days,there is resurrection and light, and power to overcome darkness. I pray that is true for your little Lucy.
ReplyDeleteLike most others, I do not know you and seen a post on Facebook about Lucy and started reading your blog. I am originally from Tipton County but have lived in Millington for years now - just a little connection. I sent out prayer requests to all my coworkers and friends - asked that they forward Lucy's story on and please put her on their prayer list at their church too.
ReplyDeleteI truly believe in the power of prayer and God has to be hearing thousands of Lucy prayers daily! There are so many people who love your family just through your some crazy wild web way...Lucy is now a part of all of us. Keep on blogging as that has to be some therapy as well. Praying for a peaceful and comforting night for you all!
My heart breaks for you. Such a beautiful child. We dont understand Gods reasons but we do know he has a reason. I pray he will give you the srength to fight this horrible disease that hurts your lil angel. Just call on him! He will listen. I also know miracles happen every minute. I will pray with you that she is healed!
ReplyDeleteI just followed your blog--if you get time I would love a follow back. God Bless you and your family! In Jesus name we pray for healing, Annette
Kate & Erik,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your testimony, as dark as your world is right now, God is shining through. That is why we are here, for God to get the glory especially when things are not going our way. In your post you are so right, God is in control, Sweet precious Lucy does belong to Him and He can use her anyway He wants and then bless her and you in return. It is not fair, but no one ever promised us fair, but God is good and faithful. You don't know me probably never will, but I am earnestly praying for you, for strength, peace that passes all understanding, because we can't understand this, I am praying for Lucy for God's divine healing and mercy. Keep your eyes on Jesus and He will see you through