I'm happy to report that we arrived home this afternoon around 4:00. And just like that we are back to a "regular" night at our home. Getting dinner ready, watching TV, playing with Jack, changing diapers and giving baths. Throw in some IV antibiotics, fever checks every hour and sorting through boxes of sterile medical equipment and you've got a new normal night at the Krull house. It's a lot of work and sort of crazy around here but I wouldn't trade it for anything. We've needed this night for a long, long, long time.
Thank you all for the month of ceaseless prayers, letters, emails and Facebook messages. I don't know how we would have survived during this initial hell without all of you--friends and strangers alike. I've been reading mail from all over the country--not to mention that gifts you have all sent for Lucy--and I'm just blown away. Seriously. There are a lot of really great people in this world. Our family has been blessed by each of you.
Now comes the specific prayer requests. I've decided I'm not backing down at all. I'm asking for these things EVERY single day. My God is great enough to do them all. I believe it with all my heart
1. That God would miraculously heal Lucy from her cancer.
2. That there would be no long term damage from the radiation.
3. That Lucy would stay out of the hospital until it is time for her Chemo.
4. That after treatment she would stay in remission for the rest of her LONG life.
Come on God, show out in a BIG way. I still believe in miracles.
I'll post more tomorrow when I'm not so tired. Right now I have to go flush and clamp a line so we can sleep for about 2 hours before Lucy's next IV antibitoic is due.
I am so glad to hear you are home! God is Good! May you have peace at home with your whole family. We will not stop praying for Lucy to get well.
ReplyDeleteAlways praying and thinking of you all! Hope everything continues to go well for sweet little Lucy, she is an angel.
ReplyDeleteHi. I have been keeping up with Lucy's story through this blog since shortly after her diagnosis. Last Tuesday, (3/22) our 4-year-old daughter, Kellan, was diagnosed with medulloblastoma. We traveled from East TN to LeBonheur on Wednesday (we have seen lots of Go Lucy butons here!), and she had her tumor resecction on Friday morning. We are still here and will be moving to St. Jude for treatment soon--I have a feeling our paths will cross at some point. Your blog has been good for me--it gives me some sense of what we have coming next in a world of huge unknowns. We have been praying for Lucy and continue to do so--we are so glad to see that she is feeling better and will keep an eye out for you all at St. Jude. Thanks--Sarah Good
ReplyDeleteWon't stop praying for your precious girl!
ReplyDeleteI don't know you! - but I feel like I do from following your blog this past month. (We have EPC as a FB friend in common -she's my favorite photographer). You are so strong and have a great way with words. I have cried as my heart has broken for you time and again. I have laughed - when appropriate. (esp. the post about Lucy pooping :0) And I have truly prayed. (and will continue to pray)
ReplyDeletePlease continue to let your prayer requests be known and - while I know you have great family and friends - if you ever need to rely on the kindness or help of "strangers" please don't hesitate to "ask" on this blog! I,and I'm sure others,would be happy to do anything we could to make your life a little easier right now.
Mom of 4 in Atoka
Praying with you for all those things... So happy you are home! It feels so good, doesn't it?! : )
ReplyDeleteWonderful news! May the comfort of your home give each of you a sense of security that things will get better. The specifics which you asked to be held in prayer have already been spread near and far! Go Lucy Go!
ReplyDeleteYour faith is amazing and so inspiring. I am praying for these things too.
ReplyDeleteI love your term "new normal" you are taking it all on like a soldier ready for the long fight. Praying for all your needs and for Lucy's health to be restored.
ReplyDeleteKate-I am so glad you are home! I pray daily that the radiation will touch only the cancer and that Lucy will have NO side effects from it. Oh yeah and let me add that I pray BELIEVING that will happen because I know nothing is too Big for God! Just like I believe one day I am going to have an MRI and the MS is going to be gone, I believe Lucy will be healed. We haven't stopped praying here in the Richardson house and we will continue to do so until she is healed.
ReplyDeleteYay!!! Enjoy your own beds!!
ReplyDeleteDo you have an address where things can be sent? We have a little trinket we'd like to send to Lucy.
God is good!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to hear that you are home!
ReplyDeleteI will be continuing to cover you all in prayer and asking for a miracle!
Praying and praying,
I have been trying to keep up with your blog and am very very happy to hear that ya'll have gotten to go home. My son, Levi, always healed fast at home. The one thing about St. Jude is they will encourage all of you to live as normal as possible instead of treating little Lucy like she is always sick. It helped my family and hope it helps yours! Again, so happy to see all of you having better times and to see that you are getting to sleep in your own bed. Your strength will double now:) Still praying for all of you! ((hugs))
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePrayers noted! Must be great to be home!
ReplyDeletepraying for an amazing recovery!!! God is Good ALL OF THE TIME! You're an amazing inspiration! I know you have blessed me through this blog and I will continue to pray every day for our Heavenly Father to give you all strength. You have touched my heart and there is not a day i go with out praying for you all and especially sweet Lucy!
ReplyDeleteI am so thankful for you and your family for sharing this. My daughter is 4 1/2 and i have a little 9 month old son, and this feels so close to my heart even though I have never met you. Your an amazing woman of God and so strong for her family. You're an inspiration. I pray that our Heavenly Father will heal her 100% and it's an amazing miracle that will happen and for her story to be all over the world, especially since your strong faith in the Lord is in every post. I pray for strength for you and your family because I don't know if I would have it going through what you're going through. God is Good all of the time! I am praying every day and I will never stop. Thanks for being such a blessing.
ReplyDeleteHi Kate,
ReplyDeleteI've been following your story after another blog I read asked for prayers for you. Keep on asking for those big prayers....I was once reminded during a health scare in our family that our God is not a whimpy God, so don't ask for whimpy prayers! Pray big! My five year old says a prayer not only for Lucy, but for your whole family every night, as do I! Please keep letting us know your specific needs!
Ashley in KY
I am new to your blog but even after only reading a few posts, Lucy will be on my heart forever. I will pray for your family and that you guys get to stay at home for many days! Thank you for sharing your story.
Dear Kate, I ran onto your blog today and wanted to send you a huge hug. I am so sorry for your trials. Your little Lucy is an angel and a true DAUGHTER OF GOD. I know that HE knows you and your family and that HE KNOWS your hearts and is mindful of your trials. Please consider yourself hugged and know that our family will pray for yours too. :) With love, Jen
ReplyDeletePS the following links have brought me great comfort during my trials and I hope they will bring you HOPE and comfort as well. :)
Oh Kate, I wish I could take your trial from you. I know that the LORD can make your burden light! Continue to have faith in him. With much love, Jen (Your sister from Utah)
I had been praying for strength and peace for all of you! This morning I felt my prayers were all wrong! I am to pray for healing! Then no prayers needed about radiation and chemo! I'm praying, waiting and watching!
ReplyDeleteSo very glad to hear you are all home together as a family, finally! Hoping and praying constantly, that Lucy will remain happy, and healthy, and that she will be able to continue her treatments, as an out-patient. I am sure she is glad to be home with Ella and baby Jack as well. God Bless all of you, and continue to wrap his loving arms around Lucy and your whole family!
ReplyDeleteSending Hugs and Positive Thoughts!
A Mom-Mom in NJ
I am so glad you all got to go home. I know it nice to be back home with everyone together. Your family is still in my prayers and keep your heads up. Miracles do happen.
ReplyDeleteEven though we don't know each other, I just wanted to encourage you with a personal testimony.....
ReplyDeleteWhen I was pregnant with baby #2, I was devastated to learn that I had miscarried at 8 weeks. I walked out of the clinic physically sick! My daughter was in my arms, and all I could think of is that I had lost another baby just as precious as her. Until motherhood, I had not known what it felt like to have your heart live outside your body! My husband was devastated and cried, but I was just angry. I was angry at God for taking away my baby. One night, I got out of bed and walked into my den. I got down on my knees and prayed! I said, "God, I know your word says we are suppose to bring our hurts and deepest desires to you. So, here I go...I am hurting and I really want to be pregnant with my baby again. I miss that baby! I don't want a new baby or new pregnancy in a few months. I want the one I lost. I know your word says you are a God of Miracles, and while I know you don't bring people back from the dead, I am asking you to bring my baby back to me." When I got up, I felt like 1000 pounds had been lifted from me. Just telling God EXACTLY how I felt allowed Him to cover me in the peace only He can give! The next day before a DNC was to be done, all the doctors and nurses stood around the ultrasound machine in complete shock! They had found a 9 week old fetus with a strong heartbeat! Praise God for Miracles!!! I just want to encourage you to stay strong in His peace and promise that while He Lucy is His child, you are His child too. He desires to heal your hurts and comfort you just like you want to do to Lucy. The funny part about my story is that baby #2 eventually turned into my middle child. What is it about those middle children?! I guess they have to bring a little drama into our lives in order to be noticed :) Know we are praying for you all, and we are praying that the God of Miracles performs one in your home!
So glad! My girls and I pray for Lucy and your family every night and every morning and even now have my mother praying for your family. We will continue to do so. Again, so glad she is in the comfort of her own home with her family!
ReplyDeleteWe will join you in praying for these specific requests. We believe our God is able to do great and mighty things in Lucy's life. Your family wil also be in our prayers, keep the faith!
ReplyDeleteGO LUCY GO
So glad you are at home - you deserve it! Hopefully this will be a wonderful time of recuperation and rejuvenation. Soak up all the rest and togetherness you can and awake refreshed to fight the good fight again. Praying for your family.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are home with your family again! I'm an adult oncology nurse, so if you have any questions about those IV antibiotics or anything else, let me know! My email is cmcoker1@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteSo glad you're all home and happy. Here's to getting more hometime, there's nothing like "normalcy". Hope Lucy is relaxed, happy and feeling well. I will continue to pray for Lucy's complete recovery and be fully restored with no negitive side effects. My prayers also extend to you Kate (you are very strong), Erik, Ella and Jack.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that's too much to ask for your little girl! I'm glad to hear that you guys are home. I hope all goes at home until time to go back for chemo. Lots of prayers for your family.
ReplyDeleteWow! Just after I left you a comment today we found out a little 6 yr old friend of our family had been diagnosed with Leukemia. I HATE cancer!!! I lost my dad and grandmother to it and my aunt has been fighting it as well. Anyways, I told the little family about your blog. Hopefully they'll gain strength from your example. :)
ReplyDeleteever lifting up this precious little one to the Throne of Grace. praying that God reach His healing hand down and place it upon her sweet head and minster sweet mercy on her body!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and be with you in this next part of your journey. Our love and prayers continue for you all. Continue to enjoy and cherish all the precious moments.
ReplyDeleteMy God is so big, so strong and so mighty
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing my God cannot do.
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do.
The mountains are His,
The valleys are His,
The stars are His handiwork too.
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do.
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