We went straight to St. Jude for Erik and I to learn how to administer her IV antibiotics. We finally got home around 5:30pm. Things were going great...until. Until Lucy started running a fever. Being new to this whole cancer thing, I gave her Tylenol and did not call any doctors. Big mistake apparently. Lesson learned!
I don't think I got a moment's sleep watching her and checking her temp every 30 min. Seriously. I was a nervous wreck. We did not have to report back to St. Jude until 11:00 the next day, but I had planned on getting there early so that she could be assessed for the fever. While I was in the shower, Erik called me on my cell phone (from the other room) to tell me he had been very sick all night. Great! Another one down with the stomach virus. Even though he could hardly move, he had already called me mom to get her prepared to go to Memphis with me. (My mom had kept Jack for me that night. I know it was our first night home, but he had gotten his 6 month vaccination that day and was quite irritable. I hated to send him off, but in hindsight it was a great decision).
Even though she was sick, I think Lucy enjoyed her 12 hours at home. Just seeing her family and enjoying the sunshine was such a blessing.
Long story short, Lucy was admitted-much against her will I might add- yesterday for observation. She kept a 103.5 fever all night long and kept us on our toes. Her blood pressure dropped at one point and her heart raced in the 190's. I am happy to report that at the moment she is resting well, her fever is finally starting to break and she is comfortably asleep in her Daddy's arms. Erik is no longer in quarantine so he is curled up in the recliner holding his sweet baby girl.
My prayer this morning is that whatever is causing Lucy's fever will manifest itself boldly and the doctors will know exactly how to treat it. I don't feel defeated today, just frustrated. I know God will sustain us and this too shall pass.
Matthew 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Keeping Lucy in my prayers every day. Stay strong and healthy Kate:)
ReplyDeleteMuch Love,
Sally Burrows
I have been following your blog and Lucy's journey. I am in the middle of adopting a little girl from Russia, and there have been lots of ups and downs. Everytime I think of complaining that I'm tired, or scared, or weary of the process, I think of you. You are amazing and so is Lucy. My prayer is always,"God give me anything to overcome but that.". I am amazed at your constant unwaivering faith. When I read this entry I just thought, come on God, give her a break. Enough is enough. I guess He knows her strenght better than I.
ReplyDeleteI hope her fever is gone soon!
ReplyDeletePraying that they are able to figure out what is causing her fever. For healing, discernment and wisdom.
ReplyDeleteI have been following your blog and Lucy's journey. I am in the middle of adopting a little girl from Russia and there have been many ups and downs. Everytime I think of complaining that I'm tired or scared or weary of the process I think of you. My prayer is always, "God give me anything to overcome but that". I'm so impressed with your constant faith. When I read this entry I just thought, come on God, give her a break. Enough is enough. I guess He knows her strength better than I.
ReplyDeleteFor God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind 2Timothy 1:7
ReplyDeletePrayers that Lucy will be able to go back home soon! I know that she (all of you) have to be more comfortable! Lord please be wrapped around this precious family! In Jesus' Name, Amen!
ReplyDeletePraying that today will be a better day for Lucy, and all of you for that matter. Hoping they can find out the reason for the fever, and treat it quickly, so she is not held back for her upcoming treatments. May God continue to watch over your whole family and bless you with strength and his never ending love!
ReplyDeleteSending Hugs from a Mom-Mom in NJ!
I'm glad she got to home home, even for a little bit. I hope they figure out the cause soon and she feels better. Wishing you and your family all the best.
ReplyDeleteBless her little heart! And bless y'alls too! I am so very sorry, it just seems like you all CANNOT catch a break! I pray for her every single day as the other many thousands are doing. Hopefully all of our prayers will be heard soon. Love and hugs to you all!
ReplyDeleteDonna Turnage
Praying for you all! May God's peace reign today in your hearts...
ReplyDeleteKate you know you and your entire family are all in our thoughts and prayers 24/7. I check the blog and FB even during my nightly potty breaks with baby. I will continue to pray for Lucy's healing.
ReplyDeleteI think it is time for another blessings blog like the one you did a couple days ago. A couple positive thoughts to get you (and everyone else) through these rough bumps.
Praying for the reason for the fever will be found and the fever will break.
I hope her fever resolves and you guys can move forward confidently...shrouded by all of our prayers! Continued prayers and love from OH for Lucy and all of you.
Thinking of Lucy everyday!!! Hope the fever continues to break. Praying!!
ReplyDeleteNot sure how I got to your Blog, but have spent the last hour reading all the posts! Wow, what a story you have to tell ~ You have an amazing, beautiful family! Even though I don't know Little Lucy, I just know she will get well ~ she's already in my prayers! I am a cancer survivor of a little over 5 yrs. ~ Hooah!! (A very rare form in my throat below my vocal chords and on my voice box. No surgery was done - too risky, but Chemo, Radiation and feeding tube stuff.) As scary as it all is ~ I felt the same way ~ Let's get this treatment started and on the way to getting rid of the cancer!! My motto then and now, which you can borrow too is/was "Strength, courage and hope ~ Every day. . . for without hope we have nothing" Heal well dear Lucy!
ReplyDeletePraying for you and Lucy..We lived this for 2.5 years ..I will pray for quick healing and hoping its no blood infection...
ReplyDeleteI think about Lucy often. She is such a beautiful little girl and deserves to be out running around and playing. I pray for her everyday
ReplyDeletethank you Kate for being a light in the midst of your storm ... I see Him in you! Please know that an army of believers has been raised up to pray for your sweet Lucy and also all of you who love her so!
Because of Him always,
Kate, Today on my way home from class I was listening to K-Love. They were talking about people over-coming things with God's help, which made me think about Lucy. While I was waiting on the light to change at an intersection in Memphis, a Fed-Ex deliver truck had a Lucy bow tied to it. It made me smile to see the bow right after hearing about over-coming things with God's help.So I wanted to share it with you. I will continue to pray for Lucy's healing.
ReplyDeleteI think of your family every day and continue to lift y'all up in my prayers.
I will continue to pray for GOD to heal Lucy and be with your family!! God Bless
ReplyDeletePraying for you in SLC, UT.
ReplyDeleteI am praying:) Check your blog all the time:) God Bless Lucy and your Family.