She went down for her MRI this morning around 7:30. It lasted for almost 2 hours and then they had to bring her back up to the room as they waited on an Operating Room to open up. She screamed from the time she woke up to the time they put her back to sleep over an hour later. About 15 minutes prior to surgery she went into total meltdown and pitched the biggest, ugliest, most deserved fit I have ever seen. Kicking, screaming, hitting. It was awful. I was crying and Erik was about to punch a hole in the wall.
This really is too much for a 5 year old to endure. She is so strong and so brave though. She is just tired of being here and by now she know the whole routine. And she is all too familiar with the walls of the operation room holding area. I literally pray and beg that this is the last time she will have to have surgery for a long, long time.
We knew all along that a shunt was probably inevitable, so now we just pray that it is successful and there are no infections once radiation starts. Please make this a prayer of your as well. Today we feel surrounded by the thousands of prayers being said on her behalf. Thank you all so much!
Kate - I don't know and I can't even imagine how you are feeling and holding up. Your faith is absolutely amazing and my heart aches for you as well as your family. I pray that Sweet Lucy is healed in all aspects. I pray for your sweet girl to be back to normal living a happy normal life of a 5 yr. old. Jesus please heal this sweet child. In Jesus name I pray, Tina Anne - Eads, TN
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ReplyDeleteI'm a grandmother of 10 little jewels. I don't know how I found your blog, maybe God directed me. My hubby and family have been praying and fasting for you, Lucy and the rest of your family.
I'm so glad that you blog regularly so we know whats going on and what specifically you need us to pray for. My hubby is a Minister and has asked our congregation to keep you in their prayers as well.
God Bless You Love.
Miss Lila in Atlanta
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your blog for the past week or so and have been praying for Lucy and your family constantly. I pray God will heal Lucy very quickly.
Kate, I am continuing to pray for little Lucy. I have thought about y'all all morning. I am so thankful you continue to keep the blog updated. I know you and Erik must be when you can and stay strong for Lucy! Hang in there! Laura in Oxford, MS...
ReplyDeletekate, you're right. that fit she threw was hard-earned and well deserved. as i told you today, i would have thrown one a long time ago. i'm praying that this awful day is a big, huge corner she's turning, and tomorrow starts the healing she needs for the treatment at st. jude. you guys are always in my thought and prayers.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry for all your family is going through!! We are praying for y'all daily!
ReplyDeleteLove in Christ,
ReplyDeleteI found your blog earlier this week (I don't know how I found it...I'm a bad blog-hopper). I have been following and praying for your sweet Lucy ever since. I am also praying for you, your husband, your other children and everyone else who is helping you out during this difficult time.
2 Corinthians 4:7-18
I am praying for you and your precious Lucy. I have a granddaughter named Lucy and can't imagine what you are going through. Have FAITH!
ReplyDeletePraying for yall, please keep us posted!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are all in my continued prayers. My heart breaks at what all Lucy is having to go through..I know we are not suppose to question but I honestly don't get it. Maybe someday it will all be clear. Hugs to you and your beautiful daughter.
ReplyDeletepraying right now......
ReplyDeletePS - you're so right that your little Lucy deserved to pitch a fit like that and more! Poor little lamb asked to endure what many adults would be unable to. Pryaing for all of you.
Just checking in on little Lucy, and a peek at Jack's cheeks :) I think about Lucy the time and say a prayer each time I do. I often think about we as humans when going through a crisis are so in the moment and just trying to put one foot forward, but I feel called to remind you about the future and how much stronger you and your Lucy will be and how much your story will help others. I know it is hard to think and be thankful about that, but don't worry...I am :)
ReplyDeleteI just started reading your blog this past week and have been praying every night. I hope the surgery goes good, just so young to have to endure so much
ReplyDeleteKate and Family,
ReplyDeleteI found your blog a couple weeks ago and have been checking on you all twice a day. My heart goes out to sweet Lucy -no child or family should have to endure. Praying you daily.
God bless you all! Praying for Lucy and your family every time I see a pink & purple bow (which makes my prayers continuous!) or a green bracelet (handed them out to the family last night!) I've also begun to pray for all the children and their families at both hospitals when I see the bows & bracelets. Thank you, Kate, for your wonderful witness to Christ!
ReplyDeleteprayer your way...i too found your blog randomly and cannot stop thinking of your angel baby. i pray for a successful surgery today and sppeedy recovery<3
ReplyDeletePraying for Lucy and your family today.
ReplyDeleteI know there are no words to truly help your situation or ease the pain your Lucy & your famiyl are faceing!! I relive our experience w/ our own daughter fighting cancer as Lucy is & I know how unfair it seems!!! I just want you to know that my family is thinking about you & your Lucy & family each day.
ReplyDeleteIt hurts me to know that Lucy is going through all this. I hate it. Please kiss her for me!!! TEll her we are ALL praying for her!!!
ReplyDeleteLucy is a fighter to be able to pitch such a fit after everything she has gone through! Way to go Lucy! Keeping you all in my prayers!
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog and I added Lucy's button to mine! I wish you all the best and I have already started praying for your whole family. My family has just had a very serious bout with anaplastic astrocytoma but we worship an awesome God and miracles happen everyday. My best to you all!
ReplyDeleteMy heart aches for your precious daughter so much. Couldn't help but get tears when you spoke of her melt down. Sweet baby has every right to get mad, and she was probably still hurting also. May God bless her and keep her infection free, as she heals from yet another day of sedation and surgery. Please know that prayers are ongoing for Lucy and you and Erik as well. Just take one hour at a time, it sometimes helps. Hugs being sent, from a Mom-Mom in NJ
ReplyDeletePraying for you all right now, but also specifically that Lucy's shunt surgery goes perfectly and that there is no infection or complication of ANY kind. You are a beautiful family and Lucy is so precious. (((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteOh Kate! I am so sorry that you all have to endure this. My heart bleeds and aches for you. I am praying and praying for dear Lucy.
ReplyDeleteKeep your eyes on Jesus He is right there.
Continuing to keep Lucy in my thoughts. I hope this surgery goes well and that someday soon this is all a distant memory for her.
ReplyDeleteContinued prayers for you from all from us. I'm sorry she had to have another surgery. Praying that it goes without complications and has an infection-free period throughout radiation. (((HUGS))) and love from OH.
ReplyDeleteKate and your beautiful family: I am praying for you - even tho you have no idea who I am. I pray you during for each moment of pain you endure. I pray for each instance of love you experience. There are just no words, so just know - God has his arms wrapped tightly around your family and will take you down the path he calls THE Plan for your family. May the peace that surpasses all understanding comfort you.
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ReplyDeletePrayers for Lucy and her family! Thanks for keeping us updated on Lucy..she is one strong girl!
ReplyDeleteJacquie - You are evil. I hope not many people read your post. many prayers for Lucy and the family.
ReplyDeleteSending prayers for sweet Miss Lucy and your entire family from SW Missouri.
ReplyDeletepraying, praying, praying.....I cannot even imagine
ReplyDeletePraying for Lucy and your family in this time of your lives.
ReplyDeleteI am new to your blog but I found you on a mutal site that we both have prayer requests on. I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Beth, my son Keegan Thomas was diagnosed at 7 1/2 months old with Meddulo that was in May 2010. We went through 6 rounds of high dose chemo then a stem cell tranplant on October 26th 2010 and we are still on lock down at home. I would love to talk to you via email. I am alos on FB but my email is chupp{dot}beth{at}gmail{dot}com. I am gonna add Lucy to my prayer list of kiddos we pray for every night. Feel free to check out my blog and our story.
With Love,
praying for Lucy..
ReplyDeletePraying for sweet Lucy.
ReplyDeleteLord, I just life up this precious family to you and pray for your healing for Lucy. I pray for mommy and daddy, too, as their hearts are torn up for their little one. You know the excruiting pain of watching your child suffer. Please help Lucy's surgery to be successful. Please give her sleep and strength for tomorrow. Help her to sense your comfort and presence in an amazing way that just shouts Jesus. Minister to this family in a personal way that lifts them closer to you- an amazing calmness and feeling of security that transcends understanding. Help them to know you are catching their tears and listening to their pleas ...
ReplyDeleteBy His Grace,